He scooped her up tenderly, before picking up Christopher and putting him in her arms. Without having to be asked, he gathered up the receiving blankets, the dirty diaper, the torn diaper, and made a face as he proceeded to pick up all the soiled baby wipes.

“I love you,” she smiled tenderly, watching him.

“Was this in our vows?” Lance chuckled, causing her to laugh once more as they shared a look. “I’m only kidding, Boop. I wouldn’t change any of this for the world.”

“I think Christopher just pooped again.”

Lance’s face fell.

She didn’t have the heart to tell him that she was teasing. Oh yes, she knew he was struggling too with the adjustment, but her favorite person in the universe would never fail her or let her down – and she knew this with every fiber of her being. They might need to learn, modify, or adjust, but Lance would be there for her without a doubt.

“You’re up,” Lance blurted out, backing away and holding up the receiving blankets as he paled. “I’ve got laundry to do.”

Smiling, she watched him leave the room, humming and looked at the baby who was watching her with Lance’s big brown eyes.

“C’mon, my favorite little Squishy,” she crooned softly, kissing the baby’s forehead tenderly. “Let’s give Daddy a little break, and you can poop on him tomorrow.”

“I heard that, Blythe…”

“I love you,” she sang out playfully and sighed happily as he chuckled down the hallway, not even phased by a bit of ribbing.