Sabien smiled. “Sounds very similar to dagger.”
“It is a common Azuremi name.”
“Even so, your name is as sharp as your tongue.”
“Keep bothering me, and you’ll see how sharp my tongue can be.”
“I have no doubt you’re very skilled with it.”
Her face paled, caught off guard once more. She fumbled for words, but he casually went on. “I didn’t think I would like Azurem, but it’s growing on me,” he stated. Then he gestured toward the carving on the wall. “And all the wolf sculptures are immaculate. I always loved those fierce creatures. Don’t you agree?”
“I’ve never given it much thought.”
“Maybe you should.” Sabien winked. “Now, I don’t like to be indebted to someone. How can I repay you for the drink?”
“ ‘Thank you’ would be sufficient. Or do they not have those words in Ilusaurian?”
He let out a short laugh that rumbled in his throat. “Ah, so you do despise Ilusauri.”
“Along with everyone else here.”
Sabien shifted in his chair, leaning his elbow against the bar. “Maybe Azurem should ask to be allies again.”
“Why? Ilusauri impulsively invaded Celestaire. Ilusauri could invade us too.”
“Impulsive? Do you know why King Claude is at war with Celestaire?”
“Because he’s selfish, and he wants control of all kingdoms.”
Sabien’s jaw clenched. “You don’t know anything about him.”
“The Mad King? I know he murdered his father when he was thirteen. That’s all I need to know to agree with the rest of my people that he is a monster.”
The two stared at each other with fire behind their eyes. They waited for the other to break first. Dagmara gripped her drink until her knuckles turned white.
Andrzej interrupted them, setting Sabien’s drink down on the bar. “Here you go, Ilusaurian! Another for you, milady?” The crowd seemed to get more rowdy by the minute.
“No,” Dagmara said. “You seem to have your hands full.”
Andrzej wiped sweat from his brow. “Well, Greta has abandoned me on the busiest night of my life! Where is that girl?” He hobbled away, attempting to calm a crowd of miners that had just gotten off their shift.
Dagmara’s gaze shot in Jacek’s direction again. His table would be asking for another round shortly.
“You have special business with that old drunk?” Sabien nodded his chin in Jacek’s direction.
Dagmara glared at Sabien. She didn’t waste her time with an answer. Instead, she prodded him with her own question. “Why are you here in Gorzhelm?”
Sabien picked up his mug and took a slow sip. He set the mug down gingerly, taking his time to lick a stray drop of alcohol from his lips. He finally answered, “I’m here for the coronation.”
“They won’t let you in,” Dagmara said. “They’re being much more strict on invitations with the spreading infections. Besides, it is for guardians and Azuremi citizens only.”
“Maybe I was sent on Claude’s behalf.”
“The Mad King of Ilusauri wasn’t invited.”
“How would you know?”
Dagmara hesitated.