A deadly silence filled the room. Dagmara could feel the blood coursing through her body, her heart pounding in her chest. She would not drop his gaze, both of them staring intensely at one another.
Claude’s hands flexed before curling into fists. His low voice was calm, making it even more menacing. “What do you mean that’s not your name?”
“I’m not Princess Magdalena. I came in her place,” Dagmara said.
“You’re not…Magdalena?”
“Then who are you?”
“It doesn’t matter. You’ve already lost, Claude, because you won’t get to kill the real Magdalena tonight.”
Claude was silent. His mouth was slightly agape, his eyebrows raised on his forehead in surprise. He was unwavering, as still as a statue until he yelled, “Guards!”
Within the same breath, the door burst open to reveal Sacha, barely fitting in the frame. Pierre was directly behind him.
“Seize her,” Claude commanded.
Dagmara’s blood turned to ice. She would not let this be the end.
Using the only weapon she had, Dagmara chucked the bottle of poison directly at the king. Claude threw up his hands, and the glass shattered against his forearms. He let out a shout, the poison splashing in all directions.
Before Dagmara could make a run for it, Sacha had already grabbed her wrist. It was impossible fighting him. As tall as she was, she barely reached his collarbones. In two seconds he gripped both her arms behind her back. Pain surged through her shoulders, but she fought through it, tears welling in her eyes.
However, Pierre remained by the door. He hovered next to Claude, his expression confused.
Claude tore off his shirt before the poison could seep through the fabric. He thrust it to the side, revealing his naked chest. He was all muscle, and his body was tense with anger.
“What was that for?” he yelled.
“Just let me go!” Dagmara screamed, struggling in Sacha’s grip. It was no use. Fighting Sacha was like fighting a stone wall.
“Let you go?” Claude’s voice boomed through the room. “You’ve impersonated a guardian, and our marriage is a fraud! And if I didn’t know better, I’d say you just attacked me!”
She didn’t have any words to counter him. She hadn’t thought this marriage could be considered treason on her part.
Claude panted, gazing at the scattered poison and papers on the ground as he caught his breath. His face twisted with a multitude of indecipherable emotions. Then he raised his head.
“Everything…” he cleared his throat, “It was all a lie? You were using me the whole time?”
“I…” There were no words. None of her feelings for him were a lie. She suppressed her anger long enough to admit, “It wasn’t all a lie.”
Claude took a step toward her. Glass crunched underneath his shoes. “So what part was real?”
Tears threatened to course down her face. Her lip quivered. She didn’t want to answer. She didn’t want to admit it.
“It doesn’t matter anymore,” she said.
“Where is Magdalena? The real Princess?”
“You’ll never find out.” Dagmara scoffed.
Claude nodded, then froze with a jerk. “But if you’re not a guardian…how did you use magic?”
Dagmara glanced in Pierre’s direction. Did he have any idea that it was Sabien who cured Claude during the attack in Sailonne? Would he expose Sabien’s secret?
“That means…” Claude started. “You’re an assassin.”