“By the guardians…” Dagmara said under her breath.
Then there was a brisk knock at the door. “Magdalena?”
It was him.
The Mad King.
Snapping out of her daze, Dagmara jolted upright. “Hide,” she commanded, her voice a whisper.
“You’re going to face him by yourself?” Sabien shot back. He closed the false bottom, concealing the mask, before slamming the drawer closed.
“You’re not supposed to be here!” Dagmara’s whisper was sharp.
The doorknob rattled, and Sabien obeyed. He swiftly disappeared, concealing himself behind the massive silver curtains that hung in front of the floor length windows. He was still large, causing the curtains to billow around his figure, but the shadows of the room concealed his location.
As the door began to open, Dagmara turned away instantly. She hadn’t prepared thoroughly. She hadn’t thought through what she was going to say. Deep down inside, she had wished Claude was innocent, but the insurmountable evidence was undeniable. How could the man she came to know be behind everything?
“Magdalena,” Claude said. The door closed. “They think Celesta troops are nearby—that is what I was called away for earlier. I didn’t believe them but…” Claude’s voice quieted. “Magdalena?”
His boots on the ground alerted Dagmara that he was approaching. She felt her breath hitch, the pit in her stomach making her nauseous.
Then he reached her. The moment his hand touched her arm, she felt a jolt surge through her body. Her adrenaline spiked, a sudden fear coursing through her veins. This was the man who murdered Aleksy.
She whirled to face him. “Don’t touch me!”
The king threw his hands up defensively, his palms open. “I’m sorry,” he muttered, backing up. Then his eyes found the vial in her hand.
She raised the bottle up higher. “I found this,” she said.
“What is that?”
“It’s smierc. A deadly poison. But you know that already.”
A muscle ticked in Claude’s jaw. He let his hands fall slowly to his sides. “What is going on?”
“You tell me,” Dagmara countered.
His head inclined. “I’ve never seen that bottle in my life.”
Lightning flashed outside, the room brightening for a single moment.
She shook her head. “You’re lying. I found the poison next to a mask with a First Prince symbol.”
The king’s eyes narrowed. “You were snooping through my room? I thought we finally trusted one another.”
Dagmara scoffed. “I was a fool to trust you. I also found the letters to Ishani.”
“I don’t…” he paused to shake his head, “So?”
Anger surged through her body. She ran her hand across the table, sending the letters scattering to the ground. “You admitted to killing Bogdan and Aleksy. You planned to kill me tonight.”
“Kill you?” Claude echoed. “What are you talking about?”
“Stop lying to me, Claude. I’ve had enough.”
“I’ve never lied to you, Magdalena—”
“Stop calling me that!” Dagmara yelled. “That’s not my name!”