Maybe she had no magic at all.
Then the water stirred. Her body went numb.
She watched as the water levitated before swirling in the air. The room let out a collective gasp, covering the sound of Dagmara’s own gasp. The liquid molded into a wolf. The blue liquid rippled as the wolf figure let out a silent howl.
Applause rang through the room at the show.
Dagmara couldn’t move. Her eyes were transfixed by the magic before her. This wasn’t her own doing. She felt no magic coursing through her like she had when Claude was healed. But then, how was this possible?
There was only one answer. This wasn’t her. She remembered how Aleksy had tricked everyone at the coronation, making everyone think Magda had Life magic. Now, someone was doing the same thing, but this time, they were saving Dagmara.
She shut her eyes quickly, hoping no one could see that they had not transformed into the icy-blue color. She waited, feeling a mist from the water before her, until she knew the display was over.
The thunderous applause rang through the room.
“How dare you!” The booming voice echoed through the dining hall and caused Dagmara to jump in her shoes.
The applause stopped.
Dagmara whirled around, her body alight with fear. Her eyes widened at the sight of Claude, storming down the staircase. His white cape fluttered behind him, and his brow was furrowed. But he wasn’t looking at Dagmara. His gaze was set on Annette.
The room was utterly silent as the king reached the bottom of the stairs. He pointed his finger at Annette. “Magdalena doesn’t have to put on a show for you. If you ever question her integrity again there will be consequences.”
“My King, the Princess—”
“She is your queen.” Claude cut her off, his voice so threatening it sent a chill down Dagmara’s spine.
“My apologies,” Annette stammered. She curtsied low to the ground, dipping her head to the king. “It will not happen again.”
“Do not bow to me,” Claude scolded. “Bow to your queen.”
Dagmara’s breath hitched. Although he wasn’t looking at her, Dagmara searched Claude’s expression. His eyes were still dark without a hint of silver. He wasn’t compelling Annette. He was ordering her. It was almost worse that he was forcing her to bow out of her own will.
A tense silence filled the room. It felt like an eternity before Annette met Dagmara’s gaze. Her eyes were wide with fear. Any distrust or condescension in her expression had been wiped clean.
“My Queen,” Annette said before dropping into a bow.
Then Claude stepped onto the platform beside Dagmara. As he approached her, she forgot how to breathe. When he took her hand, her blood turned to ice. He pressed a kiss on the back of her palm, his lips soft and gentle against her skin.
“I am a man of my word, and today I made a vow.” His whisper was barely audible, meant for only her to hear. “I will always put you first and keep you safe.” His tone was sincere. Then he looked at her, his eyes glistening.
Dagmara was too stunned to think about the expression on her own face.
Claude’s regal tone resurfaced as he stated, “You are now Queen of Ilusauri. Serve our people, and I, in return, will serve you.”
He lowered himself to his knee in front of her, still holding her hand, and dipped his head.
Realization dawned on Dagmara like a dagger. He was bowing.
The Guardian of the Mind was bowing to her.
In unison, the entire room rose from their chairs and dropped to a bow, following their king.
The world began spinning around Dagmara. She wrenched her gaze away from Claude and looked out to the guests.
Emotions flooded her body. They shouldn’t be bowing. She wasn’t Princess Magdalena. She wasn’t Queen Magdalena. She was a false queen. A fraud.
Every guest in attendance was bowing to her. Even the soldiers lining the room followed their king. Even Queen Bernadette inclined her head. Everyone except—