“Precisely. But also, I saw the flowers in my office that you magically brought back to life.”

“You’re a Soul Guardian!” Kiran squealed, covering her mouth with her hands. “What does this mean?”

Sanyal was studying Magdalena. “You only have Soul magic? Nothing to do with water?”

“Nothing,” Magdalena admitted.

“Is that possible?” Kiran continued. “Could Magda be our cousin or something? It has to be Uncle Ivaan!”

“Who?” Magda asked.

“Kiran,” Ishani snapped. “Does she look like our cousin?”

Kiran froze, her nose scrunching as she examined Magdalena more thoroughly. “No.”

“This is why I’m here,” Magdalena said. “No one knows about this, not even my mother. I don’t know anything about being a guardian let alone honing Soul magic! I need to look into your records, I need to understand my past. I need your help, Queen Sanyal, please don’t send me back to Azurem. How do I have Soul magic?”

Sanyal was horribly still, her expression indescribable. “There’s only one explanation.”

Dread flooded through Magda’s body, and a cold wind pricked her skin. It was the same unease she had felt during her dreams with the unknown voice.

“By the guardians, Magdalena,” Sanyal said, breathless, “I never thought this day would come.”

“Please, tell me—”

Sanyal held up her hand, silencing Magda. The room went still.

“What is it mom?” Kiran asked.

“Shhh,” Sanyal silenced her. She rose from her chair, her head inclining as she listened.

That’s when Magda heard it too, stone scraping against stone. It was faint, but the noise sent a chill down her spine.

Sanyal approached the glass doors to the balcony, and Magda countered, stepping away.

Then Magda saw a figure scale the edge of the balcony, using the vines to hoist themself onto solid ground. The figure was dressed in black with a white mask.

Magda’s body went numb. She recognized the mask immediately, including the symbol in the center of the forehead. It was the same mask the assassins wore that had killed Bogdan and Aleksy.

The assassins had found her.

“Get back!” Sanyal yelled before commanding the earth to obey her. With a single raise of her hand, the vines instantly grabbed the assassin by the neck and yanked them backward off the balcony. A single cry pierced the air as they fell to their death.

But they weren’t the only ones. Two other assassins scaled the opposite end of the balcony.

Sanyal whirled on them, her eyes glowing gold. She reached out, commanding the vines to grab the assassins, but the vines froze, moments away from their targets.

Magda watched in awe as the vines shook, unable to reach their targets. What was going on?

Sanyal looked equally in shock. Then the vines turned on the queen and lunged for her throat. They whirled around the queen’s neck and hoisted her into the air.

The earth was turning against the Soul Guardian.

“Kiran, what are you doing?” Ishani yelled.

“It’s not me!” Kiran cried. She collapsed to the ground, cowering behind the couch.

“Magda?!” Ishani screamed.