Magda could read through Kiran’s expression, and she turned to ask Queen Sanyal the question that was on all of the younger girls’ minds. “If you’ve never seen this tomb, how do you know that this ancient story is actually true?”
“Because,” Queen Sanyal shook her head. “I felt the magic rescind when Bogdan and Aleksy died. I felt a crack in the core and a loosening of great power. It’s the same thing I felt when Claude’s parents were murdered.”
“Mom,” Kiran objected, “you know that people say the tomb—the heart of our world—is a myth. A story to scare everyone into thinking that the guardians should always hold this power and be treated like gods.”
“I don’t care what you think about our politics.”
“Why should we continue this autocracy? It’s not good for anyone.”
“Stop this, Kiran,” Sanyal snapped. “You have much more to learn.”
Kiran grew silent.
While Magda let the tension die down, her thoughts drifted again to her family. “So the assassins are killing the guardians to break the locks on the tomb? They want to release the First Prince?”
“Correct. If you die, Magda, the lock bound by Life magic will be broken, and we will be closer to unleashing evil than ever before. You must go back to Azurem and stay safe. Do you have any idea who did this to your family?” asked Sanyal.
“We think the assassins came from Ilusauri,” confessed Magda.
“King Claude Mirage,” Sanyal mused, “Yes, killing his own parents would have broken the Mind magic seal, as he wasn’t crowned yet. Someone in the family blood line can always be re-coronated as a guardian and tap back into the powers of the land. This would have happened with Claude when he was crowned after his parents death. However, it doesn’t change the fact that the bloodline and lineage was temporarily broken, removing the lock.”
“And you believe Claude was behind this?” Magda asked.
“It would be foolish to ever trust a Mind Guardian. He wrote to me claiming his land is dying—but is that what he wants people to see so he can steal my kingdom’s food?” Queen Sanyal asked, her tone bitter. “Also, according to Ishani and other guild Leaders, he’s paying them for information. He’s looking for the tomb, no doubt.”
“The tomb of the First Prince?”
“Yes,” Ishani confirmed. “He’s written multiple letters about his search to me and others I trade with.”
Sanyal continued, “And why else would he need to find the tomb if he didn’t want the First Prince to return?”
The question hung in the air, and Magda gasped. She had to get Dagmara out of there. It wasn’t safe. Her mind flashed back to the letters she had found in Ishani’s ship days ago. If Ishani had proof in all of his other messages that Claude was searching for the tomb, that was enough.
“So Claude broke the mind seal. Killing off Aleksy, Bogdan, and Magda would break the Life seal,” explained Kiran, “ theory…”
“Leaving just Celestaire and Flaustra…,” Magda’s voice trailed off as a brooding feeling caused goosebumps to travel up both her arms. It was time to tell them that she did, in fact, have Soul magic, and this would create an even bigger problem for them all. Suddenly, the voice in her head was back, this time as clear as day:
Destruction is but a prelude to creation, Dear Princess…
“I haven’t been honest with you, Queen Sanyal,” Magda blurted out.
Sanyal placed her elbows on the desk, leaning forward. “About what?”
“The reason I came here instead of seeking guidance from Guardian Sora is because…” Magda hesitated. This was the moment of truth. “I have Soul magic.”
“What?” Kiran blurted out.
Sanyal held up a hand to silence her daughter, her attention remaining fixed on Magda. “That’s not possible.”
“Look!” Magda sprang up from the couch, darting to the balcony. Vines weaved across the open doorway and through the banister. Focusing on her magic, Magda tried to make the vines move. She had practiced this. Slowly, the vines curled, thorns protruding from the greenery.
Both Kiran and Sanyal gasped, while Ishani said under her breath, “I knew it.”
“You suspected me at Vex’s hideout,” said Magda, turning back to Ishani.
“Of course I did. It was so obvious.”
“Because you were once a guardian yourself?”