Bernadette let out a large exhale, shaking her head. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It was Magda’s decision.”

“Well, have you found proof about King Claude’s involvement yet in the death of my husband and son?”

“Not yet,” Dagmara replied. “I can’t be in the royal chamber without being watched until I’m legally wed.”

“So you’re going to consummate the marriage tonight? And expect the man won’t notice when you and Magdalena switch places?

Dagmara opened her mouth to object, but found no words. She hadn’t thought that far.

Bernadette saw her hesitation. “I see. You’re hoping to find proof that he is behind the assassinations, and neither you nor Magda will see him again.”

“That was the original plan.”

“Well, that is the stupidest plan I’ve ever heard,” Bernadette stated. “Let us call it off. We can leave now for Azurem. Better yet we can leave for Flaustra and meet Magda.”

“Leave?” Dagmara asked. “But I don’t…” she stopped herself before she finished the sentence.

“You don’t want to?” Bernadette eyed Dagmara with a knowing look. “Dagmara, honey, it’s not safe here. I saw the way that woman glowered at you, I’m sure others are also suspicious. How are you even going to stand for the whole ceremony tomorrow?”

“How did you…” Dagmara muttered.

“Aleksy told me,” Bernadette replied. “The nurses also mentioned they were wasting resources trying to figure out the source of your condition.”

Dagmara felt the statement like a blade to her chest. The nurses always thought she was making it up. They never gave her a diagnosis.

Bernadette continued, “If the king finds out about your condition, he will not marry you.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” Dagmara snapped. “I just…” her voice trailed off, her mind returning to the king. Her body flushed, remembering the way he held her and how his skin felt against hers—

“Oh, honey,” Bernadette said, “I’m certain falling for him wasn’t a part of the plan?”

Embarrassed, Dagmara shook her head. She couldn’t meet Bernadette’s gaze.

“I need to speak with Magda. Let us delay this,” Bernadette said.

“If we delay this, the king will know something is wrong.”

“Something is wrong,” Bernadette said. “Why would Magda do this? Why did she go to Flaustra?”

Dagmara didn’t know how to answer that question. Magda went to Flaustra because she had Soul magic. But Magda didn’t want her mother to know. It wasn’t Dagmara’s place to tell.

“Dagmara,” Bernadette insisted, “I need you to be honest with me. I want to help, but I can’t unless you tell me what is going on.”

Dagmara’s voice was barely audible, “You can’t say anything.”

“You have my word.”

“Magda…doesn’t have Life magic,” Dagmara whispered. “She has Soul magic. And we can’t let anyone find out, otherwise, the future of Azurem is at risk if there’s no Life heir. That’s why I’m here, and that’s why she went to speak with Sanyal.”

Bernadette was silent for a long moment. Her face flashed with a multitude of indecipherable emotions. “But the coronation…”

“That was Aleksy’s magic.”

“By the guardians…” Bernadette said under her breath. “How is that possible? She’s Bogdan’s child.”

“I don’t know how it’s possible,” Dagmara admitted. “But you understand why no one can know, right?”