“And the safety of our people.” A smile formed on Claude’s face, and it was beautiful. With his hand on the back of her neck, he guided her toward his chest. She let herself lean into his hug, her head resting on his shoulder, his leaning on hers. With one hand cupping the back of her head, and the other around her waist, Dagmara felt secure in his embrace.
They continued to sway under the starlit sky and she breathed in his soft cologne. The prior feeling of homesickness had vanished. For the first time, she felt safe in a place that wasn’t home. The world around her blurred, the violin melody a nostalgic lullaby.
In Dagmara’s mind, they were the only two that existed.
Princess Kiran’s birthday ball was only three days away. It was almost time for Magda to relocate to the palace. She had left some of her belongings in the room at the Mystic Sonata where she was boarding, and figured that it was time to pack up her books, money, and clothes.
That night, Ravi was playing another show, and Magda had a front row seat. The lively music filled the tavern, and despite Ravi’s bandaged palm, he effortlessly displayed his advanced fingerwork like a true professional. After Ravi’s performance, other musicians continued, and Ravi stepped off stage to swing Magda into a dance. They danced in each other’s arms for hours, until it was quite late, and they had shared at least four glasses of ale.
When it was completely dark outside, the back doors banged open, and a large man barged into the tavern.
“What’s going on?” Magda stopped dancing, looking curiously at Ravi.
“A proclamation,” Ravi explained.
The messenger shouted over everyone, and upon seeing the man, the musicians screeched to a halt. Instantly, all eyes were on him as he waved a scroll in the air. “Royal news, royal news! Everyone quiet and listen up.” He cleared his throat as the music silenced.
Then he screamed over the antsy crowd. “News has arrived that a royal wedding between King Claude and Princess Magdalena is going ahead!” he curled open the scroll, continuing to read. “After a successful engagement ball, Azurem and Ilusauri have opened trade routes for medicine and food, and the royals will be wed in three days’ time!”
Three days? Magda’s heart almost stopped. She had thought she had more time than that. In an instant, her breath threatened to leave her and her entire body flushed hot with panic. Why did the news take this long to travel to Flaustra?
The man continued, “It is said the Queen Bernadette Krol approves of the marriage, despite previous tensions between the kingdoms. The kingdom of Flaustra has not yet released an official statement on the marriage. Thank you.”
If the marriage was going ahead, and Magda’s own mother approved, it meant Claude wasn’t behind the assassinations. It meant that this was good for the kingdoms so that they could have medicine again. It meant that Magda would have to take Dagmara’s place and in just three days’ time she would be sharing a bed with the Mad King.
The thought made her sick. Not necessarily because of Claude, but because she only had three days until she was locked in a marriage forever. She had never fully accepted the possibility that Claude was actually good and that her kingdom would decide to go through with the wedding.
Suddenly, all around her, people began shouting:
“Will Azurem keep the medicine for themselves then?”
“That princess is stupid for trusting a Mind Guardian.”
“I guess Queen Sanyal will be cutting off ties with Azurem now since Ilusauri is our enemy.”
“Are you alright?” The voice was Ravi’s. He was at her side, gently touching her shoulder. “You look like you’re going to be sick.”
Not wanting to be at the party anymore, Magda confessed, “I’m exhausted. I think I’ll go to bed.”
“You look upset at what the messenger said.”
“Maybe a little,” Magda shook her head, pushing her way past Ravi.
As she did so, she passed a drunken man who grabbed her upper arm. “Hey, Azuremi, would you marry King Claude?”
Before Magda had time to break free, Ravi was at her side. “Get your hands off her,” he shoved the man back, and he stumbled into his friends.
“We want to hear her opinion on her kingdom’s alliance.”
Magda shoved through the guests, and Ravi followed her close behind, making sure no one else in the tavern badgered her. When they reached the stairs, Magda began ascending to her room at the Inn.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Ravi asked, yelling up the staircase.
Yes, truthfully she did want to talk about it. She had no other friends here, and no one else to confide in. In a few days, at least she would be able to use the Scribestone and send a message to Dagmara.