A voice broke their lingering gaze.

“Well, look at what we have here,” a booming man sounded. Vex came storming into the wine cellar, flanked by three of his henchmen.

Vex gave Magda a crooked smile. “You’ll pay for this.”



“Forgive me,” Dagmara said under her breath in Azuremi, praying that the Celesta man standing before her didn’t speak Azuremi, and in the event that he did, her voice was barely more than a whisper.

She needed a reasonable excuse. Claude wouldn’t believe her if she said she didn’t remember Celesta. Her mind raced with excuses until one finally came to mind.

“I mainly learned Celesta with my father…and I…” the crack in her voice wasn’t fake at least. The reminder of Bogdan’s death was ever present in her memory.

Claude nodded, seeming to understand almost immediately. He returned his attention to the Celesta man, switching his language. “At least at this event, let us speak Ilusaurian.” Claude’s voice was beautiful in his native language, making Dagmara realize he nearly always spoke Azuremi for her.

“Of course,” the Celesta man said in Ilusaurian, his accent thick, making it harder for her to translate. He repeated his introduction to Dagmara, “I’m Reon Ogawa, spearhead of the Celesta militia.”

Not only was this man Celesta, he held one of the most influential positions in the kingdom.

“Thank you for coming,” Claude said, without the slightest bit of malice. In fact, they both seemed amicable with one another.

Reon smiled. “If you need anything at all Princess, you have a friend in Celestaire.”

“Thank you.”

Then Reon shifted his attention to the king and said something in Celesta. They could say anything they wanted in front of her, and she would have no idea.

Reon gave Dagmara one more smile before he departed, making his way into the crowd. Dagmara didn’t have a chance to ask what was said before another man approached.

“His Majesty, Claude Mirage,” the stranger said, his voice boisterous. He was middle-aged, but his hair was pure white. He had a stocky frame, and a monocle hung from a pocket on his chest. “This is the longest you have remained in public for a long time. I see she is bringing you out of your shell.”

“I am still in the confines of my palace, Lionel.”

Lionel flashed him a twisted smile. Then he reached for Dagmara’s hand. “Princess, I am governor of the southern province. The name is Lionel Floquet.”

Dagmara was startled at the sound of the name. This was the man Martine mentioned…the only person other than Claude who could manipulate citizenships and create false aliases for the assassins that crossed into Azurem.

“One of four governors,” Claude added, “A crucial position to the security of this kingdom, and a liaison between me and my provinces.”

Dagmara knew Claude was informing her that this man was immensely important, and she was required to be on her best behavior. She let him take her gloved palm, and he placed a kiss on the back of her hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Governor.”

“We are honored to have this alliance. I’m sure His Majesty has informed you about the food shortage?” Lionel asked.

In Claude’s words, it was a famine that began when his parents died.

“Yes he has. My heart goes out to your people,” Dagmara replied.

“Of course, the drought seems to stay away from the palace,” Lionel continued. “You have plenty here.”

“Do you have something to say, Lionel?” Claude asked, his tone stern.

“Nothing, Your Majesty,” Lionel dipped his head, “simply that I look forward to Azurem’s surplus of food. That is part of the alliance, is it not?”

“It is,” Dagmara stated.

“And will the people be visiting the castle to retrieve their rations?”