What was she doing? She couldn’t let Sabien know that Teos was her brother. “I mean…I didn’t mean…”
He held a hand up, “None of my business, I’ll give you privacy.” He flashed her a wink before descending the steps, leaving her alone on the platform. She could still feel his gaze, but knew he was too far away to read the text.
She quickly turned back to the Scribestone, waving her hand above it to uncover the message.
I know I have to start this message telling you not to worry about me. It’s still just a cough at this point. Until I’m bedridden, I’m going to help any way I can. Someone out there murdered Aleksy, and it’s not fair. For all I know, you’re with the murderous King Claude now.
I’m hoping you get this as soon as you arrive. I convinced Queen Bernadette to ask the border knights for a list of everyone that entered into Azurem the month prior to the coronation. Only three Ilusaurians crossed, arriving the day before the coronation. Mael Revel, Lyam Desco, and Samuel Arsenault. It fits—three Ilusaurians and three assassins. They’re supposedly ambassadors, but Bernadette had never heard of them.
I analyzed the seal on their entrance papers, and it was a real ambassador seal. They weren’t forged, which means King Claude signed off on these people entering Azurem whether they are fake aliases or not. Can you find out who they are?
I doubt it could be anyone else. Others who crossed would have had to pay a fortune to get their name removed from this official list. Perhaps that Ilusaurian who gave you the black eye paid to remove his name from the list, but he would have to have a lot of money, so he would have to be important—of a noble or a higher status. I’ll try to find out if anyone received suspiciously large paychecks.
Hope you’re safe. Queen Bernadette doesn’t know you swapped. I think she sent a letter to Magda and will be expecting a response though.
Your favorite partner in crime, T
It calmed her slightly to hear Teos wasn’t declining as quickly as other children, but he could be hiding the truth so she didn’t worry.
Dagmara’s head spun. She committed the names he listed to memory, repeating them over and over. She had to find out who they were.
She looked over her shoulder, seeing Sabien watching her from afar. “Do you have a guidebook of all the official ambassadors and appointed liaisons?”
“First of all we don’t have liaisons, we have governors,” Sabien said, “but yes. Why?”
“My mother suggested learning about them before the engagement ball so I can make a good impression. Seeing as I didn’t even know you have governors, it is probably a good idea,” she said.
“It’s upstairs. I can get it,” he stated. “But I’m watching you. Don’t run off with my keys.”
“Wouldn’t think of it.” She flashed him a smile before watching him disappear behind a nearby bookshelf.
Then she quickly returned to the Scribestone, summoning a brand new message.
Thanks T, I don’t know what I’d do without you. We really do make a good team. Find out if they departed from Azurem.
I’m safe, will talk soon. Please take care of yourself.
She sent it to Teos only, watching the ink evaporate before her eyes. No new message appeared. Where was Magda’s letter? Had she made it to Flaustra safely?
Concern trickled through Dagmara, but she pushed it aside. Magda was fine. She had to be.
Then Dagmara composed a new message.
Queen Bernadette,
Magda and I have just arrived in Ilusauri, and we are taking a long time to settle in. The king has been nice so far. He warned us that the guardians are connected to the land. Have you noticed anything different about Azurem? Magda suggested taking precautions for a rough winter just in case.
She sends her love.
It was the best she could do without raising too much suspicion. Dagmara sent it off immediately, not allowing herself to think twice about it. She could hear a creak of the floorboards above, and a shadow cast over the balcony. Sabien was still collecting the guidebook.
Glancing over at the bookshelf, Dagmara set her gaze on the box. She had to know what the parchment was that Sabien had stored away for the king. Racing over, she quickly peeled back the lid and pulled out the top piece of paper. Unfolding it, she revealed a map. It was drawn in charcoal, but the landscape was evidently Ilusauri. There was one, bold stroke of ink circling a city directly south of the castle.
Why was that city highlighted and the others weren’t? And why did that name sound so familiar?