It was all a blur until Claude whirled toward Dagmara, a twinge of silver flecks remaining in his eyes as the magic disappeared. “How did you know?” he asked, his chest heaving.

Dagmara could hardly move. She felt her heart pounding against her ribcage, her hands shaking, and her knees about to give out. “I—”

Claude slammed both palms on the table, clattering the dishware. Pure muscle rippled up his arms and shoulders. He was the embodiment of a guardian.

And Dagmara was the last thing from a guardian.

“How?” he screamed, startling Dagmara so that she staggered away from him.

“That’s enough!” Annette yelled. She wrapped an arm around Dagmara, seeming to come to her aid for a surprise. Yet when Dagmara’s body was pressed against hers, she could feel her quivering as well.

Claude hung his head. “Get out.”

“What?” Dagmara’s meek voice was barely more than a whisper.

“I thought I could protect you, and I can’t. You have to hide. Somewhere safer than here.” He lifted his head and met her gaze. There was something vulnerable there, hidden behind the rage. Dagmara could almost see it before it entirely vanished as he repeated, “Leave the castle now!”



Dagmara bolted like she never had in her life. Nothing mattered. Not the deal she made with Magda, not the confidence she had in herself earlier that day. Not even her health could stop her as she raced up the terrace steps, tore into the east wing, and barged into her room.

Urszula gasped upon the sight of her, but Dagmara disregarded her. She fell onto the bed, catching herself on her hands and struggling to catch her breath.

“Are you alright?” Urszula asked, racing to her side. She rubbed Dagmara’s back, waiting for her breathing to calm.

Dagmara’s heart was beating far too fast. She felt like the world was going dark. She turned over, propping her feet up on the post that held the canopy, and let her blood rush back to her head. Finally her body seemed to settle, but her mind was still on full alert.

“We’re leaving,” she announced. “Now.”

“Why? What happened?” Urszula asked.

“Start packing.”

Urszula didn’t argue with Dagmara, noting her urgency. She set to work right away. A few minutes went by as they collected their luggage, shoving all their belongings into cases, until finally there was a knock on the door.

“It’s Martine.”

Dagmara exchanged a glance with Urszula. “Come in.”

Martine let herself in, and her attention immediately went to the luggage pile near the door.

“We’re leaving,” Dagmara blurted out before Martine had the opportunity to ask. “The king ordered me to leave.”

Martine shifted her position. “The king asked to speak with you, Princess.”

“Speak with me?” Dagmara asked.

Martine gave a nod and clasped her hands behind her back.

A laugh escaped Dagmara’s lips. “No.”

Martine’s professional demeanor wavered for a moment as surprise flashed across her face. “You can’t deny a meeting with the king.”

“I’m a guardian. I can do whatever I please,” Dagmara responded. She didn’t know where this newfound courage came from. However, after seeing Claude’s magic in full force that afternoon, she knew she stood no chance against him. She was scared, and the only thing she could do was pretend she wasn’t. She and Magdalena hadn’t thought this plan through. Especially now that Sabien was back and could easily blow her cover.

“I…,” Martine tried to object, but her mouth hung open slightly, unable to find the right words to counter.