“In Flaustra, there’s an old poem about the stars. They say that the stars aren’t balls of fire, but they’re the hearts of the guardians, looking down on us, and pulsing with the secrets of a thousand ancient loves and battles.”

Magda smiled. For some reason, it was heartening knowing that her brother and father were looking down on her from their place in the heavens. It wasn’t what Azurem believed, but it did bring her some comfort. She stared up at Ravi, suddenly overwhelmed with gratitude for everything he had done for her in the past hour. If it wasn’t for him, Odie would have been gone forever. She wanted to thank him, or give him a token of her appreciation, but she didn’t know how. Before she could respond, he said:

“We should get some sleep. I have to hit the streets early, and you have to steal an invitation.”

“Right.” Magda shook her head in agreement. Odie was already on the floor, his eyes barely remaining open as he struggled to remain awake.

Ravi gestured toward the bed, stating the obvious, “Only got one of those.”

“I’ll take the floor,” Magda answered quickly and turned away from his gaze so that he wouldn’t see her face turn bright red. He had done enough for her, and for some reason, was going to continue to help her. She wouldn’t have him give up his bed too.

“No one has to sleep on the floor,” said Ravi.

“Well, I’m not sleeping with you.”

“What’s going to happen while we’re sleeping?” he asked.

Magda shot him a look, but he didn’t reply. They stood in awkward silence for a long moment, until Ravi said:

“I’ll take the floor—”

“No, I will,” Magda cut him off. She didn’t want to put him out of his way, or owe him anything.

“Suit yourself,” Ravi shrugged, before tossing her the only blanket in the room, “but you might be cold. The days are brutal but the nights are worse.”

“Thank you,” Magda said, catching the blanket before laying down on the carpet on the floor. She adjusted her knapsack underneath her head as a pillow before curling up next to Odie. It was the first time she had slept on the floor, and for some reason, having something completely opposite of her life in the Azuremi fortress was what she needed at this moment. She didn’t want anything to remind her of the life she once had, and the pain that it had brought her.

Ravi blew out the lamp before hopping into the bed, staring at the ceiling. A few moments went by before he said, “You’re being ridiculous you know. Just come up here.”

“I will not,” Magda rolled over, facing away from the bed.

“We’re not going to do anything but sleep.”

Magda sat up. “Sleeping leads to other things.”

“I can promise you that won’t happen,” Ravi said. “The floor is miserable, we can both be comfortable.”

Magda let out a huff and lay back down, trying to close her eyes.

A few moments of silence went by. When she didn’t respond, Ravi backtracked. “...not that I wouldn’t want to…you’re brave and stronghearted…”

“I know what you meant,” Magda cut him off.

Ravi rolled over on the bed to face her. “You know, in Flaustran culture, people talk more openly. Relationships are not secrets. It’s all small-talk. Needs and wants, that kind of stuff.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Just trying to help,” Ravi finished before laying back down. “You asked how you can blend in.”

Magda sighed, but she couldn’t help but grin. She did need to blend in, especially if she was going to get into Kiran’s birthday celebration. She needed to steal an invitation from a guild member, one that was high enough to have earned the prestigious invitation. Magda had just the person, and she knew that this girl would most definitely be at the docks. It was the very captain that had brought her to Flaustra and helped her slip past the immigration guards.




Dagmara didn’t have access to the Mad King’s royal chambers. However, there had to be some evidence pointing to Claude’s involvement in the assassinations throughout the castle.