“Why are you in Flaustra?” asked Ravi.

“To visit someone,” answered Magda honestly, “but it seems like they have no interest in seeing me.”

Ravi nodded. “Well, you’ve got guts, I’ll give you that. But you have to be careful…you really stand out in the city.”

“I need to blend in,” Magda replied. She gestured to her outfit and her hair. “Any advice?”

“Your appearance and your accent do give you away,” Ravi smiled warmly, “but it’s not that. It’s the way you stand your ground…it’s the spark in your eye telling the world that no one can stop you. It’s real bravery, and it’s impressive.”

“You got all of that in a few minutes?” asked Magda with a laugh.

“I watch people for a living. And when I saw you in the marketplace earlier today, I really saw you. I knew that you were in trouble. The run-in with the Marauders only confirms it,” explained Ravi.

“Do you take it upon yourself to rescue every damsel in distress that ruins one of your street performances?” asked Magda.

Ravi paused, like he was thinking hard about the question. But then he said, “No, just you.”

Magda blushed. “If you really want to help me, you can tell me the best way into the royal palace.”

“That place?” Ravi scoffed, leaning back further onto the bed and looking at the stars through the sun-roof. Something had sparked interest behind his eyes. “Why do you want to get inside there?”

“That’s my business.”

“You just got me wrapped up into more trouble with the Marauders for helping you. I think it’s my business too.” Ravi raised his eyebrows.

Magda didn’t know what to say to him. She couldn’t let a random citizen from Flaustra have any indication that she could be a royal, but at the same time, she needed someone on her side—especially if she wanted to have any street-smarts in this city. So she gave him a mischievous grin, “I’m trying to find answers that could help my kingdom. As for why, that’s a story for another day.”

Ravi laughed, sitting up and taking the empty mug from her. Then he reached over her head to put it back on the high shelf. As he did so, he leaned in close. “You’ve definitely piqued my curiosity, Dagmara.”

Magda swallowed, remembering she was hiding her identity. Everyone had to believe Dagmara was the real Magdalena. No one could know Magda was in Flaustra for both her safety and Dagmara’s.

She continued, “Then will you tell me how to get inside the castle?”

“I can try,” Ravi said. “I actually need to get into the castle myself.”


“My own reasons,” he shrugged, “but I’ll help you. The only people that are getting in there are those that have an invitation to Princess Kiran’s birthday celebration.”

Magda perked up, excited. “Are you serious? When is it?”

“This month,” Ravi answered, “but there’s no way you’ll get in without an invitation. So you’ll have to steal one from someone that is already invited.”

Magda thought about the plan, which could potentially be risky. Anyone who was attending the birthday celebration would likely be holding their invitation close—likely on their person.

“You’ll need to steal one from a member of a guild,” said Ravi, “They will all be going. But they aren’t found easily.”

“Where can I find them?” Magda asked.

Ravi stood up, and beckoned her toward one of the tapestries hanging on the wall. Magda followed, standing beside him as he pulled back the tapestry to reveal a gaping hole in the sandstone that acted as a window. As far as the eye could see were tiny, colored lights marking the dense houses, almost as bright as the stars in the indigo sky.

“There,” Ravi pointed to the north, “is their district. But their hideouts change, and secret codes are passed through the city as fast as the wind.”

“I see,” Magda nodded, realizing how hard this was going to be. She stood there next to Ravi, looking out at the stars, taking in once more how much brighter they were here than in Azurem.

“You like them?” he asked, watching her gaze.

“Yes,” Magda breathed a sigh of relief for the first time in days.