Dagmara wasn’t trained in political negotiations, but she was good with words. If there was a slim chance she could get medicine to save Teos’s life she would do whatever it took. Worst case scenario, she would find the Mad King’s stash of leku and steal it herself.
Dagmara nodded. “I’ll do it.”
Magda let out a sigh of relief before engulfing her friend in her embrace. “Oh thank you!”
An excited bark rang through the room as Odie jumped up onto Dagmara’s lap and nuzzled against them, wanting to join the hug.
The two burst out in a laugh, with a quick moment of respite, wiping away their tears and giving Odie much needed attention.
“What happens if I don’t find proof before the wedding?” Dagmara asked.
“You always have to have everything planned out, don’t you?”
“But think about it…what if he isn’t behind the attacks? Then what? I’m the queen of Ilusauri?”
A soft laugh escaped Magda’s lips. “It won’t get that far. If it does, we can switch. We’ll figure it out.”
It wasn’t the reassurance Dagmara was hoping for. “One more problem. I may have killed the Captain of the Ilusauri guard.”
Jerking back, Magda’s face flushed. She stammered, searching for words, but eventually regained her composure. “All the more reason to agree to this alliance to smooth that over before it is exposed.”
“What about you?” Dagmara asked. “You’ll stay in hiding here?”
“No,” Magda replied. “I have to learn why I have this magic. So I’m going to the source of it. I’m going to Flaustra.”
Magda’s mother couldn’t understand why she would even consider a marriage proposal to the Mad King, especially given rumors that he was behind the deaths of the Azuremi royals. So, Magda made a deal with her mother. Magda would go to the Ilusaurian castle for approximately one season of courting time, and then she would decide if she would go through with the marriage or not. It was enough to buy her some time, and for her mother to allow her outside of the fortress for one season.
So, she went back to the Scribestone, writing a different note to Prince Claude, saying:
I accept your proposal, but we must speak soon. I think about you often. I will come to visit you and stay with you until the wedding.
With all my love,
It was a bit manipulative, but she needed Claude to think that she was on his side. She only hoped that Claude didn’t remember specific memories of their encounters growing up. For in reality, Dagmara would be going in her place. She and Claude hadn’t seen each other in over ten years, and he wouldn’t remember exactly what she looked like or acted like now that she was older.
At the Scribestone in the library, Magda was surprised to see another message.
One message from Sanyal Dhara, Flaustra.
Magda pressed the letters once more, opening the message.
Dear Magdalena,
I can respect that you are looking for answers from a close ally, but right now it is too dangerous to leave the fortress. You must not come to Flaustra. You must stay in Azurem. It is for your own good. I will write to your mother and let her know the same.
Queen Sanyal
Magda cursed under her breath upon seeing the letter. The plan was already in motion, and she had already sent back a response to King Claude. Also, she had already told her mother the news, and Dagmara was making preparations to change her appearance so they could pull this off. If Queen Sanyal wrote to Queen Bernadette, Magda wouldn’t be leaving this fortress for her entire life.
No. She still had to go to Flaustra, whether Queen Sanyal liked it or not. Magda was close to Princess Kiran, Queen Sanyal’s daughter, who had been crowned a year ago. Kiran would tell her everything…she just had to give the princess a bit of warning.