“Don’t talk to me about Claude,” said Magda, wanting to press her palms to her ears. Rumors of her childhood friend turning mad, his mind intoxicated by the same magic his parents once controlled had spread terror across the kingdom. She couldn’t remember the last time she had seen the King of Ilusauri. The entire story had made her fearful to inherit any magic herself.

Aleksy composed himself before taking a deep breath. “It doesn’t matter to me, at all.” He reached out, engulfing Magda in a warm hug. “You’re still my sister, and nothing will ever change that. Don’t you forget it.”

Magda held him tightly, forcing her mind to remember the moment to assure herself that everything would be alright. “I need you now more than ever.”

“I’m here.” He squeezed her once more before letting go. “So what do we do?”

“For now, we go through with the coronation,” Dagmara revealed her plan. “Magda will act as if she’s performing the water magic in the ceremony, and Aleksy will be the one actually manipulating the water. Can you be discreet?”

Aleksy appeared concerned, but he answered, “Yes.”

Magda grabbed her thin, silver crown on the top of the dresser, forcing it onto her head. Then she marched purposefully to the door.

Aleksy grabbed her arm before she could leave.

“I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said. “Try not to be afraid.”

“I’m not,” Magda replied.

“Good,” Dagmara said, “Because if we can’t pull off this act, they’ll charge you for treason, Magda. Us and your mom too.”

Magda said firmly:

“We’re keeping this family together.”

The coronation was held in the throne room. Ahead were four thrones framed by a rushing waterfall and the family crest, as if they were a stage for all to see. Around the edges of the room, were two layers of balconies, decorated in pink and blue banners. The entire room was already crowded with guests.

Today, the large fountain in the center of the space was gushing with water, and aisles of chairs were set up all around it.

The four royals stood at the entrance to the throne room, with Bogdan and Bernadette in the front, followed by Aleksy and Magda.

“You look beautiful in that dress, honey,” Bogdan turned around.

“Doesn’t she?!” Bernadette said excitedly. She whipped to Magda, also seeing the dress on her daughter. Upon noticing the skewed gemstones, she mouthed, “What did you do to the dress?”

“Ready?” Aleksy stole Magda a side-eye before turning back to the front of the room.

Magda was grateful that he had saved her from answering her mother’s question. She didn’t have time to explain that she had practically melted the gemstones with her fingertips due to her recent discovery that she was related to Guardians of the Soul.

Magda rolled her shoulders back and shifted to the balls of her feet. “Ready.”

A horn blasted, announcing the arrival of the royal family. Instantly, all the guests stood to their feet. Bogdan and Bernadette entered first, followed by Aleksy and Magda straight behind. They all were dressed in the periwinkle blue that represented the cool rivers and southern oceans.

“Announcing His and Her Majesty, and His and Her Highness, to the arrival of the coronation of Princess Magdalena!” a voice sounded from the throne.

Magda stole a side eye at Aleksy, and he gave a reassuring nod.

The four stepped in the room, walking elegantly around the large fountain in the middle of the space and toward the thrones. Then, they turned to face everyone that was waiting to greet the royal family and witness the ceremony.

“Welcome to everyone here,” said Bogdan, his voice echoing through the courtyard. “We are honored that you have joined us in this momentous and timely coronation. This is a time of celebration, where we appoint another guardian of magic. It is a day where Princess Magdalena will not only display her powers, but she will be entrusted with the knowledge of the royals.” Bogdan paused to smile in Magda’s direction.

Then Bogdan thrust his hand toward the central fountain, and bursts of water sprayed toward the heavens. The water fanned outward like dozens of shooting stars, and approached each individual guest throughout the room. Magda cupped her palms in front of her, and a water droplet found its way to her hands before swirling upward into a glass made entirely of ice. In an instant, servants were rushing towards the guests, pouring ample glasses of wine into Bogdan’s magical ice goblets.

“A toast. To the newest Guardian of Life, Princess Magdalena,” smiled Bogdan.

“A toast!” The guests echoed all around the room.

Magda and Aleksy downed their glasses quickly, before they disintegrated into thin air. It wasn’t the first time they had tasted the rich wines from the fortress cellars.