Magda crossed to the wall and sat down next to him. “You can call me Magda.”

“Magda,” Ravi repeated, looking intently at her. “I can’t believe you’re the Mad King’s betrothed! If Vex was bad, now the Mad King himself is going to try to kill me.”

“Don’t worry. He’ll never find out.”

“You still have to marry him, I guess?”

“I tried to call it off, but if it doesn’t work, then I don’t know what will happen.”

“By the guardians,” Ravi shook his head. “I can’t believe this. I can’t believe I’m falling for King Claude’s soon to be wife. I know I’ll never have you again, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get you out of my head.”

“You’re falling for me?”

“Madly,” he replied, “I don’t understand it, but I don’t want it to end.”

“So you don’t hate me?”

“Hate is the opposite of what’s burning inside me right now. I’m happy you’re safe, I’m relieved you don’t hate me, and I loathe the fact that I couldn’t be there to protect you.”

“I’m alright,” Magda reassured him.

“But the thought of you…” he hesitated, before reaching out and tentatively taking her hand. “The thought of the assassin succeeding scares me to death. I know you can take care of yourself, you’re brave and intelligent…and now you’re a guardian!” He let out a soft laugh that took Magda’s breath away. “But life is short. I want to live in the moments while I have them. I can’t imagine if I never had the chance to do this.”

Magda blinked. “Do what?”

He smiled. “I think you know.”

Then he slid his hand to the base of her neck and pulled her toward him. His lips met hers, and butterflies erupted in Magda’s stomach. The world fell away around her. All the fear, guilt, and grief died, and for the first time in a long time, she was happy. She had no idea what future she had with Ravi, but she knew he was right. Life was short, and she wanted him now. Why not act on her feelings for him before someone else tried to kill her?

She laced her arms behind his neck, pulling him even closer. His tongue swooped inside her mouth, deepening the kiss, and warmth flooded through her entire body. Her pulse quickened, and she wanted more of him. She wanted to forget everything and spend the entire night with him.

But she couldn’t. Not until the assassin was caught.

Magda pulled away, her breath heavy and her emotions alight inside her. She ran her hand down his chest, keeping her forehead pressed to his.

“I don’t care if you’re engaged,” he assured her.

“I know. I wish we could do this all night,” she said, breathless.

He grinned. “But…?”

“The assassin is out there. They’re connected to the First Prince and the assassins that killed my family.”

Ravi pulled back so he could meet her gaze. “I’m coming with you.”

“It’s too dangerous. Ishani’s a trained fighter, and I have Soul magic…which still doesn’t make complete sense.”

“Don’t do this to me again,” said Ravi, “You have to let me in.”

“I don’t want you to risk your life for me, especially if I belong to another man,” said Magda.

“I don’t care about a political promise to Claude. I want to be the world you return to every time you come back to Flaustra, and maybe one day, titles won’t stand between us.”

His words overwhelmed her, and her heart beat faster. She said, “Alright, but this is not your fight. It’s mine. These are the people that killed my family, and are killing all the guardians. They won’t stop until we’re all dead…until I’m dead.”

“If you’re dead, then I’ll have nothing to live for,” said Ravi, “I know we fight different battles, you and I, on different fronts. But I’ll be there for you, no matter the cost. No matter if I have to stand on the sidelines.”

Magda smiled, before moving in for another kiss.