“Princess,” Ishani shook her head in annoyance, almost in the exact mannerism as she had to her sister, “because I’m the only person left on this planet that actually knows how to use Soul magic.”
“Just get Ravi,” Magda rolled her eyes. “And my dog.”
“Fine,” Ishani laughed, sauntering away. “Let me go fetch both your pets.”
“And Ishani,” Magda called. “I need to send a Scribestone to Ilusauri. It’s urgent.”
Magda hugged Odie for as long as she could when she saw him again. He was safe, and in her arms, wagging his tail with so much excitement that his entire body wiggled. He was one of the few family members she had left, and she would not let him be taken from her again.
She brought Odie with her to the Flaustran Scribestone, knowing time was running short. The Scribestone was raised on a gorgeous pedestal covered in vines and flowers. The stone book was a vibrant turquoise, resting in an archway decorated with more greenery. She placed her palm against the blank, magical page, and words appeared.
One message from Dagmara Zosia, Ilusauri.
The wedding is today. I have no idea where you are, and I’m praying you didn’t die on your way to Flaustra. Are you safe?
I have yet to find any proof of Claude’s involvement, but if I’m legally wed, I have access to his royal chambers. By the guardians, I don’t know what I’m doing. Both the Captain and my guard are onto me.
Yeah, the Captain? He’s alive, and he’s here.
Also, I found a cave with monstrous hounds and a note ‘The First Prince will Rise.’ There’s something going on that’s bigger than the both of us.
Magda felt her blood turn to ice. The Captain…Dagmara claimed she had killed him the day before the coronation. He could blow her cover!
Magda hastily wrote a reply:
I hope you get this before the wedding. Get out of there, it’s not worth it to search his chambers. Queen Sanyal says he’s hunting for the tomb of the First Prince, and I believe her. He’s been in communication with guild leaders.
Queen Sanyal is dead. Assassins were here wearing the same masks as the men who killed my father and Aleksy. They will stop at nothing to kill the guardians which means posing as me is putting your life in danger.
The assassins were wearing Flaustran attire, but honestly, I didn’t realize how powerful Claude’s magic is. He can make people see anything he wants. Anything. I underestimated him.
Get out. Come find me. We will figure this out together.
She prayed Dagmara would read it before it was too late.
Magda waited in the courtyard of Queen Sanyal’s palace, anxiously pacing back and forth while she waited for Ravi to be brought to her. It was dark now, and the clear sky revealed a dazzling display of bright stars. The full moon cast an evening glow on the gardens and domed towers.
She was alone in the courtyard except for a few straggling officers, for she had told Ishani that she wanted to speak to Ravi by herself.
Even though he had only spent a few hours in a holding cell, she was sure that he would be furious with her for keeping secrets from him. The fact that she was a princess…the fact that she was a guardian…the fact that she had exhibited Soul magic…
At the same time, she was angry with him for concealing the real reason that he wanted to get into the palace. Why spend so much time with Magda in the first place? Did he not think he could secure an invitation on his own?
“Dagmara,” his voice sounded from behind her. Firm, but not angry. “I was…”
“Let me stop you right there,” Magda cut him off, whirling to him. Immediately, she was met with his innocent eyes. She wanted to embrace him, feeling his touch against hers, but she stopped short.
“My name’s not Dagmara,” Magda admitted. “It’s Magda.” For a second she felt guilty with such a cold statement, but she didn’t care. Especially after she had stumbled upon him confessing his love to another woman.
“Magda,” he mused, but he didn’t make the connection. “Why did you feel like you couldn’t be honest with me about your name?”
“You’re one to keep secrets,” Magda snapped.
“You didn’t even let me explain what happened in the jail,” Ravi said.
“What could you say that would make it any different? Do you really have another lover? Why did you lie to me about why you wanted to come to the ball in the first place?” Magda blurted out.
“You’ve got it all wrong,” Ravi stepped toward her to embrace her, but when Magda pulled away, he stopped short. “Laila is my sister.”