“Of course, my Queen,” said Sabien. Then he gave Claude a sidelong glance. “Your Majesty,” he finished before disappearing down the corridor.

As soon as he was gone, Dagmara spoke first. “I wasn’t running,” she blurted out. Sabien almost ruined her entire plan, and now she had to cover her tracks. “I was overwhelmed and needed to breathe.”

Claude cleared his throat and shifted in his stance. “I’m sorry it’s overwhelming,” Claude said. “What do you need from me?” The tenderness to Claude’s voice surprised her. She nearly didn’t recognize him. Was it true he had the mask the assassins wore?

She needed to know now.

“I think I need a moment to rest to touch up my makeup and loosen this corset slightly. Just twenty minutes before returning to the party. Everyone’s eating now, so I’m sure they wouldn’t notice.”

“Of course,” Claude said. “Do you want me to come with you?”

“No,” Dagmara said, a little too quickly. She paused for effect, then added, “but Urszula said they were moving all my things to the royal quarters now. I don’t know where to go.”

“You can rest in my chamber,” the king said. Then his face shifted, and he added, “If you’re comfortable with that.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, let me walk you,” Claude said. Without waiting for an objection, he took her hand and began escorting her around the corridor and toward the large staircase that led them to the royal chamber.

“You don’t have to,” Dagmara said, hoping she wasn’t sounding too suspicious. “I know the way.”

“I know, but Martine isn’t here to keep you safe,” Claude replied, “And…” he paused to sweep her off her feet.

Dagmara’s heart lurched in her chest as Claude swiftly picked her up into a cradle. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck, a shriek of shock slipping from her lips. “Claude!”

“...I know how much you dislike stairs,” he said as he proceeded to climb the large staircase. He made it seem effortless, and his breathing was barely labored.

“I don’t dislike stairs!” Dagmara objected, but she could feel the warmth in her chest and the smile cresting her face.

“I watch you glare at the steps every time we go to Lionel’s manor,” said Claude.

Dagmara felt like her heart was about to break. This couldn’t be the man who ordered Bogdan and Aleksy’s assassination…how could a ruthless monster hold her so gently? Unless this was all part of the act. As Sabien had said, Claude could still be planning to kill her tonight.

He set her back down on her feet once they reached the top of the staircase. Dagmara selfishly didn’t want him to let her go. She wanted him to carry her all the way to his bed, and then stay there with her.

They arrived at his chamber too soon, which was blocked by two guards.

“I know you want a minute alone,” Claude said before softly caressing her cheek. His hand was gentle against her face, and his thumb brushed against her skin. “But if you’re gone for too long I’ll come find you. I don’t want to be away from you tonight.”

She nearly melted at his words. She tilted her head against his palm. “I just want to freshen up,” she said, quoting Queen Bernadette.

He nodded, his eyes lingering on her lips. “By the guardians, this Azuremi tradition of waiting until midnight on the wedding day will be the death of me. Soon,” he promised. He addressed the two on guard. “Make sure she remains safe.”

Then he turned away from her and disappeared down the hall, returning to his subjects at the wedding.

She tried to bury her feelings for him as the guards let her pass into the royal chamber. The time had come to finally find proof.

Proof that would seal her future forever.



Queen Sanyal was limp, her body laying on the ground at an awkward angle. The vines not only strangled her, they were full of thorns that shredded the queen’s neck.

Magda stood over the queen alongside her two daughters.

By the guardians…she was really dead. It couldn’t be. Why had her magic turned against her?