Magda was dragged down a back hallway toward Queen Sanyal’s royal study. The officer didn’t dare bring her through the ballroom and threaten to disturb the party. The entire time, Magda was preparing for a scolding from Queen Sanyal, as if she was being brought to her own mother. However, her mind was spinning. Ravi had lied to her about his entire intentions for coming to the ball tonight. He had never wanted to help her, he had only wanted to see his lover who was locked away in the castle.
What was Laila’s crime? And why did Ravi use Magda as a placeholder?
Soon, the officers opened the doors to the study, forcing her to step inside.
It was a spacious room, with a large desk in front of a mahogany bookshelf. The walls and floor were stone, with a patterned tile mosaic in the shape of a flower in the center of the floor. Around the mosaic were three velvet couches, and matching banners hung in the windows. To the right, was an expansive balcony.
Before her, sitting on couches across from each other, were Queen Sanyal, Princess Kiran and…Ishani? What was she doing here? All three looked deep in conversation, as if they were in the middle of a fight.
The biggest officer stepped forward, interrupting their conversation. He had to raise his voice even louder than the three to be heard.
“Your Majesty, this imposter was caught in the dungeon,” said the officer. He pushed Magda forward toward the Queen.
“In the dungeon?” Kiran blurted out, shooting a glare at Magda.
“Queen Sanyal, let me explain…,” Magda switched to Azuremi.
“Princess Magdalena?” Queen Sanyal rose to her feet, stepping closer to her. However, upon recognizing her, she didn’t smile. “Leave us,” she ordered her officer.
“But, Your Majesty, she has magic—”
“I know. You may go.”
The officer seemed reluctant, but exited the room.
“Now Magda,” Queen Sanyal continued, “You will sit on this couch right now and tell me why you’re here, and why you stupidly disobeyed my instructions for you to stay in Azurem.”
The queen’s words took Magda aback. Finally, she was in the palace and in a meeting with Sanyal. This is how the queen was reacting?
Nevertheless, Magda needed to focus on her mission, finally taking responsibility like the princess she was. It was her opportunity to ask two guardians about the true meaning behind the magic. Magda had so many questions for them, she didn’t even know where to begin. From her family’s deaths, to the guardian’s oath, to her own powers, to her strange dreams, everything was muddled in her head.
“Please, you have to tell me everything,” Magda blurted out desperately. She crossed to the couch, and sat down next to Kiran. “It’s been a nightmare getting here and searching for answers. I’ve been completely in the dark for weeks after the assassination of my family, and I have no idea what it means to be a guardian or use my powers. There’s no one else I can go to but the two of you…” Magda hesitated and stared up at Ishani, who sat across from her on the couches. What was she doing here anyways?
Queen Sanyal noticed Magda’s gaze. “Anything you say to me can be said in front of Ishani.”
“I don’t care about this anyways,” Ishani shrugged, standing up and walking over to one of the walls. She pretended to be admiring a banner before leaning up against the stone, her axes on full display.
“I care,” said Kiran, reaching out to lay a soft hand on Magda’s.
That’s when Magda noticed that Kiran and Ishani were exactly the same height, with the same shiny dark hair, although Kiran’s was curly. Something about them was strikingly familiar.
“How do you know each other?” Magda asked.
“This is my younger sister,” Ishani admitted. “You didn’t know that Flaustra had multiple heirs?”
“I did, but I didn’t know it was you,” said Magda, “Why did we never meet growing up?”
“I refused to come to any of the royal meetings. I wanted nothing to do with being a guardian.”
“But you’re the older sibling,” said Magda, putting it together. “Kiran would’ve had to challenge you for the powers.”
Ishani rolled her eyes. “Precisely. I had my powers fully manifested for five years after my coronation.”
“Yeah, and you threw the challenge,” Kiran said with an annoyed tone. “You did it on purpose.”