Ravi and Magda passed through the large, double doorway and entered into the interior courtyard. It was a large space, full of pristine, green patches that were lit up with glowing lanterns all around their plots. The sandy, orange walls contrasted a pink sunset.

All around, were sandstone-colored arches and domed towers, projecting an orange glow on the fountains and flower beds around them. Candles marked their path as they walked around a central gazebo and to the front door. Vines and plants snaked around the tan walls, marking every inch of the palace with Soul magic.

“Your fiancée?” Magda said snidely as they walked arm and arm through the gardens.

“You need a serious date to get into the palace.”

“I thought you said relationships were casual here.”

“Exactly,” said Ravi. “They’re so casual that I need to make it seem like you are someone more than that to me. Or else they wouldn’t have let you in as my ‘invited’.”

“So what about the other night? Was that just casual?” Magda grinned.

Ravi turned to her, brushing the back of his knuckles gently across her cheek. “I know you’re leaving, but there was nothing casual about that night to me. It meant something much more.”

Magda could feel the heat rising in her cheeks and had to break their eye contact. She went to take off Ravi’s vest, but he stopped her.

“Keep it. It looks better on you.”

Magda laughed. “No it doesn’t. It’s a man’s vest.”

He leaned closer. “Well, what can I say? I also like that the other men will know you’re with me.”

“With you?”

“As my invited.”

She wanted to argue, but she simply couldn’t. She secretly liked wearing something of his too. Her stomach curled with butterflies as she remembered the night prior with Ravi, and if they weren’t in broad daylight, she was certain she would have kissed that sheepish grin right off his face.

“I’ll wear it. For now.”

The sound of music alerted them that activities were beginning in the ballroom. The guests were being herded toward the front door, and the duo followed the others across the wide garden. Magda knew she had to find Princess Kiran immediately.

They passed under the central archway, leaving the garden and emerging into the wide, open ballroom. The ballroom was expansive, in the shape of a perfect circle. The floor was a colorful mosaic pattern, marked by blue titles and tan-colored stones. The intricate carvings on the titles extended up the light-stone walls, and every archway surrounding the circular room was detailed with minuscule carvings. Large turquoise and yellow banners hung from the ceiling, interspersed between lanterns.

Magda guessed it made sense that the entire ballroom was made of stone—she was in the land of the Soul Guardians, and if they ever needed to wield, they could pull right from the palace walls.

Up ahead, on a raised dais, sat Princess Kiran and Queen Sanyal.

For her birthday celebration, Kiran’s curly hair that normally fell to her waist was pulled half back, and her brown skin was accentuated with heavy make-up. She wore a red, long-sleeve dress that exposed her stomach and was covered in beaded, gold embroidery. Instead of wearing a crown, a decadent choker necklace hung from her neck, shining with metal, golden-plated leaves spanning outward and down her chest. The necklace perfectly matched her bracelets and earrings.

Suddenly, a lively music started, with a distinct rhythm that Magda had never heard before. Women of all ages passed their drinks to their partners, before dashing to the central area. Princess Kiran stepped down from the dais and made her way to the front of the group of girls.

When the music picked up, they began stomping their feet as they moved into a triangular formation. Their arms flowed to the rhythmic music, their sharp hand-movements falling perfectly in sync with one another.

“You should get out there,” Ravi encouraged beside her.

“I’ve never seen this dance before,” said Magda.

“It’s easy. You just follow the leader—in this case it’s the princess.”

Kiran was in the center of the group, spinning quickly with her hands spread out around her. As she twirled, her long, vibrant dress fanned out across the stone floor. Soon after, the other girls mimicked her movements.

When the music crescendoed, the choreography included lively jumps to the beat of the music. The girls moved in a circular formation, with their bodies positioned to the center of the circle while their wrists expressively rotated above their heads. They spun on their own axes while they maneuvered around the outside of the circle, showcasing the exquisite fabrics they wore.

Unlike in Azurem, their faces were particularly expressive, with Kiran glowing in the joy of the dance from the middle of the circle.

Suddenly, Kiran’s eyes caught Magda’s, and for a moment, she almost paused in the dance. It was clear that Kiran recognized her.