“I don’t have time to go to war with your kingdom, Reon!” Claude yelled. “Take my kingdom as an example! This decay happened when my father was killed and my powers weren’t honed yet. There was no Mind Guardian for five years, and that branch was severed. With Guardian Sora gone, Mind and Spirit are dead. Life and Soul are the only two branches still standing!”

Dagmara could feel the weight of the truth on her shoulders. If Magdalena had Soul magic, not Life magic, that could mean that all the Guardians of Life were gone. That could mean Soul was the only one that remained.

Guardian Sora’s assassination was greater than Claude knew.

“I understand!” Reon replied. “You warned me to heighten security around Guardian Sora, and I did. I have no idea how anyone reached her, and I have no idea how anyone could kill a Guardian of Spirit.”

Claude shook his head, distraught. “I warned you how, Reon,” he growled. “I warned King Bogdan too, and clearly it wasn’t enough even with his assassin.”

Dagmara’s blood turned to ice. “What did you say?” She stepped closer and gripped Claude’s arm. “What about King Bogdan and his assassin?” She completely forgot her role as Princess Magdalena, forgetting that Magda would have said father. But suddenly none of that mattered. King Bogdan kept the reason behind the assassinations she was carrying out a secret. Did Claude know why she was assassinating certain people?

When Dagmara took Claude’s arm, she felt him waver, slightly off balance. His eyes looked fatigued and sweat dripped down his temples. “I will tell you in private.”

Dagmara didn’t want to wait. She wanted to know everything.

“You haven’t told her?” Reon questioned.

“No,” Claude scowled, “because until recently I haven’t trusted her.”

His words felt like a dagger through her chest. She didn’t know why it hurt to hear them, because she had been hiding her identity from him this entire time. He had every right not to trust her. But why wouldn’t he tell her about his correspondence with King Bogdan?

Reon let out an audible sigh, breaking the silence. “I can’t prevent this war, Claude, I simply came to warn you and let you know I will continue what you and Guardian Sora started. I will let you know if I find it, but by the original guardians, I pray I don’t.”

Claude winced, but didn’t respond.

Bringing his fingers to his lips, Reon whistled. Within moments, a black stallion exited the narrow streets and came to Reon’s side. With one swift movement, Reon mounted the horse.

“Get your soldiers out of this town,” Claude growled.

Reon frowned. “Those who are still alive, yes.”

“And hold your men until after my wedding.”

Reon lingered, his horse stamping its hoof impatiently. “I will try to speak with the council, but I make no promises.”

“Reon,” Claude didn’t raise his voice, but it was filled with malice. “Don’t ruin my wedding.”

The Celesta soldier merely snapped his reins, and the horse bolted out of the clearing, toward the smoke rising from downtown.

“Claude,” Dagmara insisted. “I must know what you told King Bogdan.” She took his hand and instantly felt a sticky substance. Looking down, she could see nothing, but felt warmth on her palms.

“We have to get back…” Claude’s voice trailed off as he began to lean against her.

Dagmara barely caught him, his weight nearly knocking her over. His sword clattered to the ground.

“Sabien!” she screamed.

The captain rushed forward, catching Claude before he hit the cobblestone. When the captain cradled Claude, Dagmara saw the blood.

There was so much blood.

It oozed from a rip in his shirt at the center of his stomach, turning his clothes a deep red. The blood on her hands appeared like magic, dripping onto her clothing and collecting under her nails. Dagmara felt bile rising in her throat, and she swallowed it down, suppressing the nausea.

“Pierre grab water!” Sabien yelled and the guard obeyed immediately.

Dagmara dropped to her knees, her hand going to the back of Claude’s neck to prop him up. The king’s eyelids fluttered and a raspy breath escaped from his lips.

“He used magic to hide the wound from Reon,” Sabien said, his tone expertly calm as he examined the wound on Claude’s stomach. “There’s no shards or debris, it must’ve been a sword.”