However, at the last second, Ravi pulled back, saying, “But until you’re ready to tell me everything, I don’t know if this is a good idea.”
Magda’s heart dropped to the bottom of her chest, as if his words had struck her with a knife. Disappointment surged through her veins, but she knew Ravi was right. Magda couldn’t be completely honest with him, and she had no idea what lied in store for her at the Flaustran palace. Technically, she was engaged to King Claude. What would the Mad King say when he found out his fiancée was falling for a man in Flaustra? What’s worse—how could she ever tell Ravi that she was a princess? Or that she was engaged?
“I…I agree,” said Magda, even though the words stung.
Ravi let his hands drop away from her, before saying, “You can still stay here for as long as you like.”
“Thank you,” Magda stammered.
“I’m going to bathe,” he announced, before turning away from her. He went to undress and—
Magda raced from the room, her emotions running wild. “Come, Odie.” she said, heading up the spiral staircase while her dog followed.
When they got to Ravi’s bedroom, Magda’s eyes drifted to the floor, wondering if she would sleep there again tonight.
Before she could make a decision, Odie leapt up onto the bed before letting out a slew of barks.
“Odie, get down!” Magda laughed, before jumping up onto the bed beside him, attempting to remove him from the tangled sheets.
But Odie wouldn’t budge. He nuzzled into the corner, looking up at Magda with begging eyes.
“Alright fine,” Magda said, laying down in the bed and making herself comfortable, putting one arm around Odie and holding him close. “But only for one night.”
Magda turned onto her back, staring at the ceiling. The sunroof was open tonight, giving a passageway to the outside world and a perfect view of the stars. She remembered what Ravi had said—that the guardians were gods that were part of the stars—and she wondered if that was really true. Was Aleksy guiding her?
She knew Ravi would soon be out of the shower. Before she could think anymore, sleep took her.
“Isee you still haven’t found any answers.”
The voice was back—this time, stronger. Magda was once again in the void. She couldn’t discern where the voice was coming from or who she was speaking to.
“Who are you?”
“A friend,” the voice answered. “Care to ask me about being a guardian?”
The space was unnerving, and Magda still didn’t trust a voice that had never identified themselves. “I don’t need your help,” she retorted.
“The time will come when you do need it. I think that you will come running to me. In the meantime, this journey will be good for you. The more you discover, the more you can embrace the storm within you.”
“What do I need to discover?”
“If I told you, you wouldn’t have the chance to discover it.”
Magda scoffed under her breath.
The voice continued, “By the time we meet, the magic burning inside you will be so great, that you’ll be ready for the chaos.”
“My magic will not contribute to chaos.”
“Once you uncover who the guardians really are, and why I am here to help you, you will understand. New worlds can only be born from the ashes of the old…”
Magda’s eyes burst open. She lay paralyzed on Ravi’s bed, the starry night coming into focus through the rooftop window. A trickle of beaded sweat lined her brows and neck. What were these strange dreams? They felt entirely too real.
Her fingers grasped around Odie’s fur, and she was relieved when she realized her dog was safe and sound beside her. His head shot upright, his ears perked in alarm while she ran her fingers through his fur.