The minutes ticked along with me in a daze, and by the time Needledick arrived, I could barely think.As I did the handover with him, I tried not to focus on the fact that I wasn’t wearing underpants. It was more than a little distressing.
As I made my way to my room, my mind was likethegiant pirate shipthat swung back and forwardat the showground, smashing through one emotion after another.
Somehow, I made it to my room, and before my brain shattered like a smashed mirror, I dialed Lolita.
“Hey, babe, what’s up?”
I blurted it out, everything from the intense unspoken sexual tension to the mind-blowing orgasm with the fireman.
“Jesus Christ, Jane!”
I knew it. I’d crossed that imaginary boundary that put me in the fucking stupid category. A tidal wave of heat roseup, and I started to hyperventilate. Tears stung my eyes, and I was about to vomit.
“I’m so jealous.”
My brain snapped back to reality. “What?”
“That’s another thing you’ve done that I haven’t.”
“What?” I gasped.
“What, what?”
I scrunched up my face as I tried to understand what she was saying.
“Oh God,” she huffed. “Don’t tell me you’re second-guessing what happened?”
“Ummm . . .”
“Jesus. So, let me guess what’s going through your brain. You had a mind-blowing orgasm with a fireman in a fucking elevator, for God’s sake, and you think that’s bad.”
“Are you kidding me? You just did the top three things most women only dream of, all in one go. Afireman. Holy shit. In the elevator. Mind-blowing orgasm in twenty seconds flat. And he tore your undies off. Jesus, I’m going to come in my pants just thinking about it.”
“Lolly,” I said, half-laughing, half-shocked by her honesty.
“Shit, Jane, I’ve gotta go find Cal and fuck his brains out. Bye.”
The phone clicked, and I stared at the screen, hardly able to believe my best friend had just hung up on me.
I dragged my ass to the bathroom and showered. Afterward, I cooked a bacon and egg sandwich and drizzled barbeque sauceall over it. Holding that on a plate in one hand and a green tea in my other, I walked out to my balcony to see what was happening in the real world.
A couple of bites into my delicious breakfast, I spied a pod of dolphins diving through the waves near the shore. Every once in a while, oneof themjumped from the water in a graceful display of agility and strength. That glorious sight reminded me of just how lucky I was.
The phone rang, and I dashed inside to grab it off my nightstand.
I swiped to answer. “Hey, Lolly.”
“Okay, I’m back,” she said the second I answered. “Cal says thanks.”
“Ummm, what for?”
“For making me horny, of course.”
I groaned. “Great,” I said sarcastically.
“Anyway, let me give my little speech before you go off on someharebrainedidea to give up your challenge. What happened today is at the top of every woman’s bucket list. You got damn lucky, girlfriend. Half the women in the world would be cheering for you.”