I can’t believe I did that.
As much as I wanted to stay there until the men had no choice but to leave, I couldn’t. I stood and flushed the toilet.
As I leaned on the bathroom sink, I stared at my reflection.WhilstI looked funny in the mask, there was no missing the confusion in my eyes. I had aseriousdebate ahead of me.
Deciding to leave the mask on, I grabbed a damp towel from a hook, wrapped it around myself, took a deep breath, andthenopened the door.
They were both dressed in the clothes they’d worn when Ifirstarrived in the room. Mickey was in the kitchen, and Jackson sat at the dining table.
I feltcompletelyout of place as I gathered my corset and underpants from the floor.
Jackson reached for my hand as I neared the table.
“That was incredible.” The sincerity in his voice took me by surprise.
He squeezed my hand in his. “I never thought I’d experience anything like that.”
His impassioned honesty had my throat constricting.A smile lit up his face, and his eyes glistened as he looked up at me.
I smiled back. I’d just made this man’s dream come true, and that made me feel wonderful.
He drew the back of my palm to his lips and kissed my hand. “I’ll never forget this.”
“Neither will I.” And that was thehonesttruth. As much as the concept of two men at the same time made me feel uncomfortable, it also made me feel incredible and sexy.
When he dropped my hand, I looked over at Mickey.He stood in his custom stance, hips locked in place,jaw clenched.Then he blinked slowly, raised his fingers to his mouth, andblew me a kiss.
I smiled. The simple gesture sent flutters of joy through me.
With my trench coat on, I shruggedout ofthe towel and let it fall to my feet. I pushed my costume into my bag, and with it over my shoulder, I stood facing them. “I meant it when I said you can’t askforme again. You’ll get me into trouble.”
“Aww, but Memphis?—”
“We won’t,” Mickey cut into Jackson’s attempted rejection.
I backed away and headed to the door.
“Hey, Memphis.”
I turned to the deep voice.
Mickey held up his coffee mug. “I’m glad we met you.”
“Me too.” Jackson nodded and grinned like a love-struck teenager.
“Thanks, you too.” With thatwonderfuldeparting comment, I left the room and pulled off my mask.
My wobbly legs safely transported me to the elevator, and as I awaited its arrival, the devil and angel struck up a second feisty discussion in my mind. By the time I arrived at my room, my head was spinning. I went straight to the bathroom and turned the shower taps to hot. I let the powerful cascade pound my body as I allowed the debate to whirl around my brain.
Did I do anything wrong?
The answer was a resounding no. I’d had a consenting sexual experience with two smoking-hot adult men.What’s wrong with that?
The more I dwelled on that answer, the more I decidedthat itwas the truth. I honestly hadn’t done anything wrong.In fact,it was incredible.
After the shower, I dried off and wrapped the bathrobe around myself. I walked to my bed, grabbed my diary, and turned to the 2nd of September.