When I curled my fingers around his neck, a moan tumbled from his throat. Our bodies moved as one, our hips rocked back and forth, and as our tongues curled together, a delicious heat enveloped me. The bulge in his pants pressed into my belly, and I glided my hand down to touch it.
Henry pulled back, blinking. He rubbed his hands down his thighs.
I cleared my throatat the realization ofwhere I was and what I was doing.
Have I lost my fucking mind?
That question had been answeredmonths ago, and the answer was a resounding yes.
“Hey, what’s going on here?” Needledick’s voice cut through the atmosphere like a chainsaw, and I jumped.
Oh faarrk!
A blaze of heat flooded my neck. Myheart exploded in my chest.I checked the clock and couldn’t believehewas here early. Of all the days, it had to be today.
“Jane wasjustletting me store my bag here for a while.” Henry strode toward John and offered his hand. “I’m Henry Addison.”
John shot a glance at me before he took Henry’s hand. “I’m John Karwatsky, the hotel manager.”
“Nice to meet you.”
My feet were rooted to the floor, and I hopedlike hellJohn didn’t talk to me because there was no hope of me speaking right now.
Henry walked around to the customer side of the lobby and placed his hands on the counter. “May I just say that Miss Nichols does an excellent job.”
“Oh? Really?” John glanced sideways at me, andspikes of feardrove up my spine.
“I’ve stayed here a few times now,” Henry didn’t miss a beat, “and no matter what time of the day or night I arrive, she’s always very friendly and professional.”
By the look of John’s cagey eyes, he didn’t believe a word Henry said.
“Thank you,” I said to Henry.
“You’re welcome. Anyway, I’ll return at check-in time for my bag. Thank you, Jane.” Henry tapped the counter twice, then turned and strode out the sliding glass doors.
I forced my feet to move me toward the counter. “Excuse me. I’ll just grab my handbag.”
Needledick stepped aside, and I bent down to collect my bag from the floor.
“Do you always take men into the back room?”
I stood and gasped. “No, I don’t always take men into the back room.”
“Looks to me like you could have carried that bag yourself.”
The fire blazing up my neck was a full-blown inferno. “Henry offered.”
“Really?” His sarcasm was unmistakable.
“Yes. Really.” I backed away and hooked my bag over my shoulder.
“You two looked pretty comfortable in there.”
I swallowed back the bile that crawled up my throat and forced defiance into my voice. “What does that mean?”
He cocked his head and looked as sneaky as a criminal. “I’m onto you, Jane.”
“Onto what, John?” I snapped his name off my tongue like poison.