Page 104 of Tease Me

If only all men were as keen on satisfying their partners as David was. For some inexplicable reason, I felt a crazy obligation to his future partner to teach him.

He could look but not touch. Was that bad?Itwould be just like him going to a strip show, I guessed.Not that I’d ever been to one. I decided my moral compass would remain intact as long as he didn’t touch me.

I nodded and hoped like hell that I wouldn’t regret this later. “Okay, I’ll show you some things. However, you need to keep your distance.”

“Thank you.” He rubbed his hands together. “Thank you.”

I put my clutch back on the tabletop and pulled out a chair facing the bed.“You can sit here.”

David strode over andplonkeddown like an obedient student.

As I tried to work out how to play this out, my brain whizzed around so fast that I regretted that extra glass of wine. Then again, maybe the alcohol wasexactlywhat I needed to get me through this.

I started to slip out of my stilettos but stopped. “See my shoes?”

He glanced down, nodding. “Uh-huh.”

“See how sexy they are?”

He nodded again.

“Well, they make me feel sexy. If your woman wants to buy sexy shoes, you let her. Understand?”


“No amount of shoes is ever enough.”


I was beginning to enjoy this. David was my putty, and I was about to manipulate him into the best a man could be. Undoing the belt at my waist, I twirled it around, and he watched it spin as if it were a hypnotist’s device.

“The same goes for her lingerie. It makes a woman feel sexy.”AsI peeled my dress open, gradually revealing my racy leather and lace teddy, David’s eyes widened.“Let her buy as much lingerie as she needs.”

He nodded slower this time as if absorbing every word.

I curled my dress off my shoulders and let the fabric fall to my feet. As Davidran his gazeup my body, he wriggled in his seat. I eased the thin strap off my left shoulder. “Make your movements slow and sensual, taking your time with every inch of her body.”

I curled the strap down, hooked my arm out, and repeated the move with the other strap.Theelastic bodice remained in placedespite the straps being gone.

“You should look her in the eyes from time to time. Devour her with your gaze. And whatever you do, don’t always have sex with the lights off. You want to see each other. To see how your bodies move. Trust me, it’s incredible.”

“Okay, I will.”

I hooked my thumbs into the lace at the top of my teddy and peeled it down, gradually revealing my breasts. My insides curled with anticipation as I stood bare-chested before him. He ran his tongue over his lips and hugged his knees together.Clearly,my show pleased him.

“When you hold her breasts” —I curled my right hand beneath my left boob—“you want to caress them. Treat them as if they were your most prized possession. Which they are, by the way. Do you understand?”

He nodded.

I squeezed my breast, massaging the fullness with my fingers. “Sometimes I like it a bit rougher, but start gently until you work out whatsheprefers.”

“How rough, though?”

“Well . . . remember they’re not stress balls, and they are attached to my body. Be guided byher;she’lllet you know when it’s too much. Listen to her. Her breathing will let you know what she’s enjoying. As will her body.” I stepped apart and moved my hips from side to side. “She’ll move her hips, her pupils will grow, andshe’llmake certain noises. Listen and watch for these reactions—that’s how you’ll know to keep going.”

“Okay. I will.”

I stepped closer to him as I ran my finger around my nipple. “See how my nipples harden?Thisis a sure sign of arousal. Men are lucky—their erection shows us they’re interested. Women have less obvious signals. You need to look for them.”