David’s room was two floors below mine, and the ride in the elevator seemed to take about twenty minutes. My time with David was rapidly dwindling. It was going to require some swift movements to get this sexual romp on the go quickly.
At his floor, I strode to his door and knocked. Barely three seconds later, David opened the door with an incredible smile. It was such a lovely welcome.
“Oh.” His eyes lit up. “Memphis?”
“Hello, David.”
“Wow.” His eyes skimmed up my body. “You look incredible.”
I smiled. “Thank you. So do you. May I come in?”
“Of course.” He stepped aside, and as I strode past him, I ran my fingers over his chest, feeling all the lovely muscles beneath his linen shirt. I glided to the table, and as I placed my clutch on the glass top, the door closed.
“I’m so glad you came. I missed you the last two times.”
“You need to stop doing that, David.”
“What?” He paused halfway between the door and me, and a look of horror marred his handsome features.
“Asking for me at reception. You’ll get me into trouble.”
He gasped. “Oh no. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay. Just don’t do it again.”
“Well, that’s why I wanted to see you.”
“Oh?” I cocked my head.
“I wanted to say goodbye. You see, that woman I told you about? I’m going to ask her to go steady with me.”His eyes lit up, and he looked so wholesome I wanted togive him a big hug.
“Good for you, David.”
“Well, obviously, I don’t know if she’ll say yes, but I hope so.”
“I’m sure she will. She’s a fool if she doesn’t.”
A red flush crept up his cheeks. “Thanks.”
Now, I felt foolish. Here I was, hoping to get my rocks off with David, and all he wanted to do was say goodbye. I wasted all that time getting dressed for nothing. I reclaimed my clutch and tucked it back under my arm. “Okay then. I guess I’ll be going.”
“Going? No, wait.”
I frowned at him.
“I . . .” He let out a big breath. “I’d like to learn more.I mean,if you don’t mind, I’d like you to teach me how to make her feel special.”
My heart melted at his request. “You’ll know what to do.”
“No. I may not.” He stepped forward and reached for my hand. “You’ve taught me more than any crappy magazine did. And I don’t want to look like a fool.”
I squeezed his hand into mine. “You won’t look like a fool. If you loveher,thenyou need to talk toherabout these things.”
“I will, it’sjust,she’s really beautiful, and I’m sure she’s had more experience than me, so I need to . . .”He lowered his eyes. “I don’t want to be embarrassed.”
His pleading was genuine, but the idea of doing anything with him when his heart was for another woman was wrong. I released his grasp on my hand and stepped back. “I can’t, David. Not now that you’ve told me you’re interested in someone. It wouldn’t be right.”
“But you can show me. I want to know how to pleaseher. Maybe you can describe it and show me, without us, I don’t know, touching. Does that make sense?”