Page 88 of Xavier

Sitting on the bed next to her, I run my hand down her bare back.

She stirs slightly, so I trail my fingers up her spine before moving them down toward her bare ass.

Moaning, she rolls over, letting the sheet slip below her exposed breasts.

Fuck me. If I wasn’t in a hurry, I’d give her an orgasm or two before we had to leave.

Unable to resist any longer, I dip my head down and capture one of her nipples in my mouth.

She arches her back and reaches up to tangle her fingers in the back of my head.

Her voice is full of sleep and she mumbles, “God, Xavier, you are insatiable.”

Sitting back up, I glance at her. “I needed to wake you up, but I wanted to do it gently and easily. You tempted me with your beauty.”

“You weren’t gentle and easy a few hours ago.” She accuses with a grin on her face.

“You loved it, didn’t you?” I know I did. A lot. And I know she loved it too, or else she’s really good at faking it.

She sits up and glances at the clock. “I guess we need to check out soon. Do you want to join me for a steamy shower?”

I want to say yes.

I want to forget the real reason I had to wake her up.

But I can’t.

I shake my head and a frown forms on her face.

“No?” Her voice raises at the end in a surprise, like she can’t believe I would reject her.

I try to stay calm, but my heart is racing, and the blood is flowing straight to my dick. “Believe me, I want to join you in the shower. I want nothing more than to stay here and make you come over and over again.”

She reaches out to grab my hand. “But?”

There’s no good way to give her the news. I just need to spit it out and tell her. “We need to head back to the safe house as quickly as possible. There’s been a new development this morning.”

She practically shoots out of bed and throws her clothes on. “What happened? Based on your stern expression, I’m assuming it’s not good.”

“Well, it’s really my fuck up.” I pick up the duffle bag and head out to the living room.

“How?” Brianna asks before grabbing a croissant from the room service tray we ordered at three this morning.

“I had to use my card to pay for the hotel both times. They figured out who I was and that you are with me.”

She gasps and yells. “They hacked into your account and saw the charges for the hotel?”

“It’s really not that hard to do. We had a guy on our team that could get in and out of high security accounts without anyone knowing.”

She looks at me in disbelief.

“Believe me. Every country has great hackers, but that’s not the point.”

“Then what is?” she asks, while taking a bite of the fluffy pasty.

I don’t want to tell her I messed up beyond just using my card to pay for the hotel. That I worried her mom and dad.

But I have to.