I know he isn’t going to take no for an answer. I can either agree to do it, or I could listen to him until I agree to do it.
“Then I’ll do it.” I take my spare house key off my keychain and hand it to him. “Feel free to make yourself at home. I have snacks and drinks in the fridge and tools in the garage.”
How did I go from single and carefree to being figuratively chained to a woman that’s hell bent on making my life a living hell?
A tempting, sultry living hell.
Chapter Thirteen
I squeeze my legs tighter together as Xavier drives over another pothole.
“I really, really, really need to pee. How much longer until we get there?”
“Probably a few more minutes. I don’t have an actual address, so I can’t be exact on the arrival time.”
I look out the window at the setting sun and sigh. There are no houses out here. Two minutes might as well be twenty minutes or even an hour.
“Just pull over. I’ll pee on the side of the road.”
Xavier turns his narrowed gaze at me. “We need to blend in. You peeing on the side of the road is the opposite of blending in.”
His attention moves back to the road ahead before he turns right onto a dirt road.
“There’s no one around here. No houses, grocery stores, or businesses. Hell, we haven’t seen a car in almost ten minutes, so I don’t think peeing will draw attention to us.”
“You’re not peeing on the side of the road. End of discussion.”
He’s just like Dad, treating me like I’m still a child. Well, I’ve had enough of the men in my life treating me this way.
Not that Xavier is my man, or anything, but he’s in my life. And trying to control me.
Would Xavier be different in a relationship? Would he be more loving and caring?
Or would he still be aggressive and broody?
I shake my head. There’s no way he would change that much, even in a relationship. He would stay the same grumpy, take action kind of guy that he is.
I bet he’s great in bed.
Why am I even thinking about Xavier in that way?
Mom’s advice comes to the forefront of my mind. “The best way to get over someone is to get under someone new.”
I was mortified when she pulled me away from my conversation with Xavier and told me that. The way she wagged her eyebrows at me and nodded at Xavier left my cheeks beet red.
Now, I can chuckle to myself and let my mind picture who my someone new would be. There’s only one person I’d remotely consider, and Mom had already hinted at him.
I know the sex would be explosive. After all, angry hate sex usually is. Or at least that’s what I’ve heard.
Besides, his take charge attitude might be what I need to get my sex life back on track. Sex with Austin was subpar and often left me needing to finish myself off after he fell asleep or left.
“What are you chuckling about over there?” Xavier’s tone is full of curiosity, but his small smile and his raised eyebrow won’t get me to spill my secret thoughts.
“Nothing that concerns you.”