Page 109 of Xavier

“About that.” His tone is very fatherly.

Is he going to chew my ass out now?

Is he going to tell me he changed his mind and doesn’t want me seeing Brianna?

He continues. “I have arranged transportation for you tomorrow morning. I’ll explain more once you get here.”

With a new mission in mind, I clap Hudson on his back. “Let’s go. There’s someone I need to see.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


Mom always warned me to never go to bed angry or else I’d wake up in a bad mood and ruin a perfectly good day, but today, I can’t help it.

I went to bed fuming last night and woke up in an equally bad mood.

“Where is Xavier?” I mumble to myself.

It’s been four days since he left, and no one will tell me anything. No one is answering their phones, text messages, or emails.

Did he get hurt? Or worse?

I pick at the French toast on my plate. My appetite has been non-existent over the past twenty-four hours.

I’m worried, anxious, and angry.

Jordan shoves another bite of his French toast into his mouth. “Xavier is more than capable of pulling off this mission.”

“But he said one to two days and if you haven’t noticed, we are now on day four. Four days and not one phone call or text message.”

“Sometimes a mission can take longer, especially since they had to lure the guys from St. Augustine back to Scarlett Island.”

“He did that days ago. Why is he still in Scarlett Island? Why isn’t anything happening? Why isn’t anyone answering their phones?”

“If you eat your breakfast, we will check on his location again.”

We’ve been checking on Xavier’s location almost every hour, even though it hasn’t moved in almost two days.

His location is stuck on my house.

My house. For two days.

Did Dad find out about us and they fought?

Are they trying to figure out a plan?

Did Xavier leave the tracking device there so I wouldn’t see where he’s going?

Is the tracking device glitching and accidentally went offline two days ago?

Or is Xavier still at my house trying to lure the guys there?

The guys wouldn’t be that stupid and break into my family’s house, would they? I know they think they are above the law and can do whatever they want, like break into restaurants, steal packages that were hidden, and murder their partner.

For the sake of this being over, I hope they are that stupid. I hope they fuck up and make a colossal mistake so Xavier can come back.

I need to tell him how I feel.