“My beta, Charlie, and a few other wolves have offered themselves up. You’ll meet them outside, in the open air,” he said, speaking slowly. “I’ll be with you the entire time.”
“Me too,” Winter piped up. She glanced toward her father. “So will… Walter.”
“Collen and Essie are also coming,” Ewan added.
“This seems like a questionably large gathering for my first time out,” I said. “Maybe we should start smaller.”
“The fae are really there for the wolves' protection,” Ewan admitted. “And Winter insisted on attending, and the others decided to make it a family affair.”
I understood the abundance of caution, particularly from Walter and the Sables. They would do anything to protect Winter. As would I.
“They don’t get it.” Winter shook her head, brown hair falling around her shoulders. “Our bond is too powerful. You won’t hurt me.”
Walter’s jaw worked back and forth. “Never say never, kid. A newborn vampire is unpredictable.”
I finished the tea and carried my empty cups into the kitchen, needing a minute to collect my thoughts. If blood still pumped in my veins, my heart would’ve been pounding. Nothing about this situation felt good or right.
I’m not ready, I thought. I need more time.
I’d wanted out of that bedroom so badly, and now I wanted to run back upstairs and hide beneath the covers. That, however, wasn’t an option. Ewan had asked me to be by his side when the challengers came for him. Not because he needed me to win, but because the Taurus pack was now my pack. I wasn’t just Ewan’s mate. I was the highest-ranking female wolf in their mountain range. It was my duty and my right to be present for a challenge.
Together, our power was untouchable, unquestionable. As a new alpha facing opposition, Ewan needed to show he was strong enough to lead, and my presence would help with that. I wanted to be there for him, which he deserved.
There was also the Mat of it all. Like always, the asshole was playing chess while the rest of us played checkers. He’d gone to the Cursed Realm to retrieve Cassius, all thanks to the rips we had made between our worlds. In another life, we’d taken the boy there for safekeeping. All that hard work went down the drain the moment Mat set foot in the Cursed Realm.
He would return triumphant to our world. In my heart, I knew once he had his descendant, the prophesied war would truly begin. I needed to be ready, and hiding beneath my covers wasn’t adequate preparation.
“Hey, you okay?” Ewan came up behind me as I rinsed the cups in the sink, resting his hands on my hips. He buried his face in my damp hair. “We can wait another day.”
I leaned back against his chest. “No way. I’m good. That tonic must be working because I didn’t hear you coming.”
His arms slipped around my waist. “If it’s too much, just say the word.”
I tilted my head to the side and peered up at him. “You don’t have to coddle me. Really. I’m fine.”
He arched an eyebrow. “You realize I can feel your emotions, right?”
“Then you should know I’m dying to meet your beta–Charlie, was it?”
Ewan took my hands, intertwining our fingers. He used his alpha voice when he said, “No more vampire jokes. They suck.”
Good Deeds Deserve Wicked Rewards
Snow blanketed the ground and wind whipped through the valley, though even without a jacket I didn’t feel the cold. Ewan stood on one side of me, Winter on the other. Four shifters formed a semi-circle across from us. Colleen, Essie, and Walter arranged themselves between the groups.
I recognized two members of the Taurus pack–Mrs. Wynn and the red-haired man who I’d watched climb off the ATV when Essie arrived. Ewan’s mother offered me a tight smile, and I got the impression she was against this idea. The two shifters I didn’t recognize clearly shared her sentiment. I didn’t blame them. Had my father asked me to meet with a newly risen vampire to test the potions and tonics meant to curb bloodlust, the answer would’ve been a resounding no.
The redheaded man was the only one brave enough to break ranks and approach. He strode over, not a trace of fear in his expression. He nodded to Ewan and then turned his bright hazel eyes on me.
I didn’t hear his heartbeat or even fixate on the blue veins running beneath his pale skin. His scent was faint, and while not unpleasant, also not enticing.
“We met briefly on your bonding night,” he said. “Name’s Charlie. I’m your beta.”
“It’s nice to see you again,” I replied in a polite tone.
“This guy and I go way back.” Charlie flashed a toothy grin and jerked his thumb toward Ewan. “If you ever want some embarrassing stories, I’m your man.”
Ewan growled his displeasure but remained otherwise silent.