Page 88 of Luna Rising

Twenty minutes later, Winter opened a portal from inside my house to a spot behind The 24-7 Diner in a town called Lemmings Pass. Only she and I found the name funny. Ewan, Drake, and two guys in suits sat together at a table, the lone waitress’ only patrons. She was human, and either didn’t know or didn’t care about the supernatural invasion happening inside her workplace.

No one seemed terribly surprised to see Walter, including the man Ewan introduced as Director Jones from the human government’s paranormal affairs department. In fact, the two men were on a first name basis, which somehow didn’t shock me. Walter had all sorts of friends and acquaintances in strange places, why not inside the human government?

“So, what do you want?” I asked, sliding into the circular booth to sit beside Ewan, who patted my leg beneath the table.

“Director Jones and Elder Verdes were just asking for our help to stop the vampire attacks,” Drake said in a deceptively sweet voice.

“Wow. After placing bounties on our heads, bold move,” I said. “How do you think we can help, exactly?”

The fae suit, Elder Verdes, cleared his throat and adjusted his tie. “We understand now that this is the work of one eternal, the thirteenth known as Matthieu. We thought you all could speak with him.”

“Oh, so you think he’s going to end his centuries-old grudge if one of us asks him nicely?” I laughed. “Are you serious right now?”

“We were thinking of something more like a negotiation. He must want something,” Director Jones said.

“The guy has been alive for eons. Maybe he just wants chaos,” I suggested, feeling argumentative.

“We know he wants the prisoner,” Elder Verdes said. “He’s already threatened to kill anyone we send to reinforce the enchantments.”

“If you know he wants Demi, what help can we really be?” Winter asked.

The suits exchanged glances. “It’s not just about the spells. Even without them, the wolf is still trapped. In a pocket dimension,” Director Jones said. “One which you are strong enough to open, Nicasia.”

Winter blinked, confused and alarmed.

“You want her to open it?” I asked, drawing the focus away from Winter while she tried to get her bearings. “Why?”

“He wants the wolf. We give him that in exchange for taking his vampire horde away from this realm and leaving us in peace,” Elder Verdes said. “It’s the only path forward that avoids a very bloody war.”

“And then what? It’s not like we can shove the wolf back in the shifter if you get my meaning,” Walter said.

“No. Supernaturals are out,” Director Jones agreed. “But the sooner we end these vampire attacks, the sooner we can get out ahead of the news cycle. Spin the narrative in our favor.”

“We need to talk this over with the other alphas and the high fae,” Ewan said.

“Of course, but this really only effects eternals and protectors.” Director Jones shifted in his seat.

“We both know that’s not true.” Ewan nudged my leg, and I slid out of the booth so he and Drake could do the same. “We’ll be in touch. Don’t show up at my borders uninvited again.”

He left the diner as a group, except for the suits who stayed behind. Once outside, Ewan sent the others ahead, citing the need for a new cellphone and promising not to be long.

“Call when you want me to open a portal,” Winter said. “Zara are you…?”

“Staying with me,” Ewan answered for me.

I slipped my hand in his. “Guess I’m going shopping.”

We watched the others disappear into the portal and then headed toward town and all the stores that didn’t open for at least another two hours.

“I’m sorry,” Ewan said as we strolled along an empty sidewalk. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Then or now.”

“I did, and I’m sorry, Ewan. Just because I’m worried our bond isn’t the greatest for supernatural kind, doesn’t mean I’m going to run. You’re stuck with me. For eternity. And if you need to be mad at me for a while, I get it. I would rather that than you resenting me later.”

He stopped walking and tugged my hand. “Really, I’m not mad at you. I’m hurt, but I’ll get over it. Still, I shouldn’t have lied to you. It was stupid.”

I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him softly. “Forgiven.”

He wrapped his hands around my waist. “Why does this feel too easy?” he murmured, recapturing my mouth when I started to pull away.