I was so focused on Kilbi that I didn’t notice Ewan shifting. His head rammed into my ribs with just enough force to get my attention.
“Zara, no,” he pleaded inside my head. “You don’t want to do this.”
Didn’t I, though?
Blood smeared her cheeks. It was right there for the taking. My body ached, desperate to satisfy my cravings. Ewan rammed into me again, harder this time.
“No one else feels your bite,” he roared in my head, trying a different tactic. “You promised.”
Did I actually make that promise?
Magic made my fur bristle, and then it was Winter’s voice inside my head. “She’s not worth it. Please, Zara. For me. Stop.”
Her soft tone tempered my fury, brought me back to a place where I could see reason. I stared down at Kilbi’s slashed face and my stomach dropped. I rolled off her, shifting as I did and landing on two feet. She shot up and wrapped her arms around my leg, a primal scream escaping her lips.
She clawed at my bare skin, shredding my calf with her claws. I howled, feeling actual pain for the first time since turning. Still in wolf form, an inferno burning in his gaze, Ewan clamped his jaws on one of her arms, biting down with enough pressure to make her release me.
He shifted and glared down at Kilbi. The tremble started in her fingers and spread until her whole body quaked with fear.
“Go see a healer,” he snapped, not an ounce of sympathy in his tone. “And then you’re done here.”
“No.” I couldn’t believe the word came out of my mouth. Placing my hand on Ewan’s corded forearm, I added, “She’s learned her lesson.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mrs. Wynn smile, while the Sable contingent frowned. I stared down at Kilbi, expression cold. “You have every right to mourn your friend. But I promise you, she wasn’t who you thought. I’ve known her in several lives, and her loyalty blew in each one. She was once my friend, and that didn’t stop her from shoving a knife in my back. Think about that.”
Ewan wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “Consider yourself lucky,” he told Kilbi. “You caught Zara on an empathetic day.” He turned to the large ginger wolf. “Escort her to the healer.” To Birch, he added, “She’s housebound until further notice.”
The wolf and Birch nodded. Ewan steered me back toward the house. His mother and the Sables followed. The slashes on my leg had healed, leaving only the drying blood as evidence of Kilbi’s attack.
Ewan led me to the bathroom. I sat on the vanity stool. He wet a washcloth and knelt in front of me, gently rubbing my skin with the terrycloth. He kept his eyes on the task at hand.
“I’m sorry.” My fingers curled around the edge of the stool. “Attacking her wasn’t my finest moment.”
His shoulders shook with anger. “It’s my fault, Zara.” He finally looked up. “Kilbi and I have been friends for years, same with Birch and Charlie. Angelica was part of that. She and Kilbi were close. I knew that. I shouldn’t have asked her to come today.” His jaw worked back and forth. “I wanted you to meet my friends.”
It was oddly sweet and so very Ewan of him. Most alphas would have wanted their mate to meet the council first, but he chose his childhood friends.
I forced a smile. “Charlie was nice.”
Ewan finished wiping away the blood and then started on my hands, slowly drawing the wet towel down each of my fingers. It was strangely sensual, arousing even. The grin he fought suggested that was his intention.
“He’s a flirt, a relatively harmless one.” He brought my hand to his mouth and brushed his lips across my fingertips.
My nipples tightened, free hand entangling in his dark hair. Ewan slid my middle finger into his mouth, tongue caressing the skin. I let my head fall back as anticipation built at my core.
He pulled away and stood, offering me a hand.
I blew out a frustrated sigh. “Why are you toying with me? Do you secretly hate me?”
He laughed and gathered me in a hug, pressing his hard length against my hip. “Patience, my love. Patience.” His gaze was almost pure gold. “The others want to talk. Do you think you can handle it?”
I paused and listened for the mortal heartbeats downstairs. They sounded very far away, and my body didn’t react.
“I’m good,” I told him, and then glanced down at my naked body. “Got clothes for me?”
Mafias and Mistletoe
By the time Ewan and I met the others downstairs, Charlie and Birch had joined them. As the Taurus pack beta, it made sense for Charlie to be there, but the latter surprised me.