Page 94 of The Cursed Fae

“I need you,” I whispered, my mouth brushing his. He looped an arm around my waist and kissed me for a heart-stopping moment. “Help me learn to use my magic,” I murmured.

Archer tensed against me, letting silence fill the space between us. After a long moment, he shook his head.

“Not until you stop messing around with Lazlo.” He released me and stepped back. “Choose, Winter.”

I might’ve read too much into his one word, but it seemed like he was asking me to pick between them. I stood there, too stunned to respond.

Archer’s eyebrows drew together as his forehead crinkled and his gaze grew dark. “That’s what I thought. You aren’t ready.”

He spun on his heel and strode away. Shocked, I waited a minute too long before hurrying after him, determined to change his mind. I ran down the stairs, calling his name.

He was gone, taking with him my best chance of mastering my magic and rescuing Lena.

I sank down to sit on the bottom step, head in my hands.

What the hell just happened?

Chapter thirty-two

WTF is a Code Troy?

I tossed and turned through another sleepless night. Missy popped in around 2:30 to tell me that Lena was home safe and mortal. That helped a little. She seemed to sense that something besides the situation in California kept me up.

“Wanna talk about it?” she asked, coming to sit on my bed.

“I thought you were mad at me.”

She shrugged. “I can be upset with you and still listen to your problems.”

If Missy hadn’t warned me away from Archer, I might’ve confided in her. I had yet to wrap my head around the confrontation in the attic. He wanted me to choose between him and Laz, though I didn’t know in what context he meant.

“Not tonight.” I yawned. “You’ve done more than enough. Thank you. Seriously. Lena is really important to me.”

Her hand covered mine, and I felt an icy breath of air where it would’ve touched. “I know. I’m gonna go back to her place and snoop around for hints of a love potion after I leave you.”

I pulled my phone from beneath the pillow and noticed a text from Lena: Best. Date. Ever.

Of course it was. Mat had stalked her for days beforehand. Plus, he had centuries of dating experience, and the vampiric compulsion probably helped too.

I opened the notes app and slid the device across the comforter for her to read.

“Astrid and I looked up love spells in her family grimoire,” I explained. “These are the side effects for each.”

Missy wrinkled her nose as she scanned the list. “Ew, but okay,” she said after she finished.

On the other side of the room, Tina turned over to face the wall, groaning softly in her sleep. Missy and I grew quiet while we waited to see if she’d wake. When my roommate continued her peaceful slumber, we spoke in whispers.

“Why doesn’t Essie want you talking to me?” she asked.

She seemed hurt, and I didn’t know how to explain without bruising her feelings further.

“It’s not you, exactly,” I clarified, propping myself up on my elbow. “She’s worried about other ghosts influencing me. Instead of picking and choosing, she said no more talking to spirits and gave me the necklace.”

Missy’s gaze focused on the phone screen, which had gone dark. “Yeah. That makes sense, I guess.” She rose and offered one of her devil-may-care smiles. The expression didn’t reach her eyes. “I’ll check in again tomorrow.”

“Miss—“ I started, but she’d already left.

I squeezed my eyes shut and screamed silently. The necklace debacle had really bothered Missy, and my great-grandmother putting a moratorium on our interactions had further wounded her pride. I could’ve summoned her back to apologize, but it was probably best to let it go for now. She’d return with a Lena report soon, and we could revisit the topic then.