Laz offered me his hand and pulled me to my feet. I still felt shaky, like I needed to eat. Preferably something with tons of calories. He kept an arm around my waist as we followed his sister toward the parking lot. She’d parked her father’s sports car beside Laz’s SUV. Astrid stepped out of the passenger side as we approached.
“There you are, naughty girl.” She grinned cheekily. “This is your idea of a fun Saturday night? You’re doing extra credit? I thought you were cooler than that.”
I shrugged off Laz’s arm and went to hug her. “What are you doing here?”
“Tina said you needed me.” Astrid returned my embrace. “How ya doing? I have fudge in my bag if that makes a difference.”
“Of all your friends, she annoys me the least,” Tina added dryly. “Time to go. I’ve had enough of nature for tonight.”
Tina climbed into the driver’s side of the convertible. Astrid held up the keys to Laz’s SUV and dangled them in front of me.
“You’re with me,” she said.
Laz gave me a quick kiss on the cheek as he hurried to join his twin. “I’ll meet you back at school.”
“You can see her tomorrow. She’s mine for the rest of tonight,” Astrid called after him. She took my arm. “Let’s go stuff your face.”
I ate the entire box of fudge on the drive. Licking the sticky goodness off my fingers, I slumped in the seat and sighed happily. I always knew chocolate had healing powers, but this was a whole new level.
“Thank you for coming,” I told Astrid as I closed my eyes and listened to the steady rhythm of the tires against the road.
“You’re lucky Tina and Laz have twin vision. She sensed it the second you guys got in over your heads.”
“It was nice of her to bring you,” I said sleepily. Full and warm, I was suddenly exhausted and wasn’t sure I would make it to my bed before passing out again.
“I’m just glad you’re okay.” Astrid’s voice was a million miles away. “What were you trying to do out there?”
“Summon a ghost,” I replied before I could stop myself.
Astrid laughed. “Romantic date.”
Back at the dorm, she helped me to my room and insisted on staying to watch over me. I was too tired to protest. If she hadn’t been there, I would’ve slept in my boots and coat. Instead, I found my way into pajamas and climbed under the covers. Astrid stretched out beside me.
“Where’s Tina?” I mumbled.
“Giving her brother hell,” she replied. “He deserves it.”
Her fingers covered mine. A cool breeze swept over my body, sinking into my skin to penetrate my bones. The sensation wasn’t unpleasant. The aches and pains lessened.
“No,” I muttered, trying to pull back. “Don’t give me your magic.”
“Shhh,” Astrid soothed. “Let me control the transfer, and we’ll both be fine.” She squeezed my hand. “Trust me, Winter. You need this.”
Chapter twenty-nine
What They Want
I woke on Sunday feeling way better than I would’ve expected, thanks to Astrid’s infusion of magic. My body was a little stiff and achy, but the burn on my hand had disappeared and there was no bump where I’d hit my head.
Tina didn’t speak to me as we dressed in all black for Missy’s funeral. I wanted to thank her for showing up the night before, to apologize for making her drive out to get us. I also longed to tell her how sorry I was about Missy. But I didn’t say any of it. Today, of all days, I would let Tina be as bitchy as she needed, while saying nothing back to her.
The service was beautiful, held downtown at the Temple of Gaia, which looked like a normal church from the outside. There was even a cross. It was a slight variation on the one from Christianity with four equal length arms to represent the basic elements from which all magic springs. That was how Nana explained it to me, anyway.
She was there along with the Gemini Council and half the town. She sat up front with others of importance while I was in the back of the temple with Morgan, Astrid, Fern, and Belle. Laz and Tina were also near the dais with their father. We hadn’t gotten the chance to talk yet today, which was okay. It could wait until we lay Missy to rest.
Morgan cried quiet tears throughout the service. I held one of her hands and Astrid clutched the other, both of us lending her strength. All of the speakers said glowing things about Missy’s curiosity and feisty personality. Nana, in her role as High Fae, gave a thoughtful speech about the circle of life and her spirit living on within nature until it is time to be reborn of this earth.
Astrid and I continued to support Morgan both physically and emotionally while she paid her respects. I hadn’t given a lot of thought to what it would be like to see Missy’s corporeal body, and I was totally unprepared for the sight. It shook me to my core to see her laying in the casket with her hands folded across her stomach. I half expected her eyes to open and look in my direction.