Page 131 of The Cursed Fae

“Mr. Stolly is unavailable. May I take a message?” the voice repeated.

“This is very important,” I pressed.

When the person on the other end recited the same phrase a third time, I wondered if it was a recording. It didn’t go over well when I asked.

“I assure you, I am very real.” With that, she hung up on me.

So, yeah. My first attempt at contact with the other half of my gene pool failed miserably. I wasn’t ready to give up on finding Archer so easily, especially when he refused to come when I called him. Missy not-so-gently informed me that the whole summoning thing was degrading.

“Maybe he doesn’t want to be treated like a dog,” she said.

“Whose side are you on?” I asked.

There was one person who knew Archer’s physical location and might actually tell me—Tina. She’d withdrawn from Arcane University and hadn’t returned any of my messages, so I sent Missy to spy on the Keene family. When that yielded nothing, I grew desperate and considered asking my mom or Nana to contact Walter for me.

A week after my disastrous phone call to Stolly Enterprises, and the day before I planned to return to school, I received a text from a New York area code. No words, only an image.

“Is this supposed to mean something?” I showed the picture to Missy.

“It looks like the Cateye Mountains,” she said.

“What, really? How can you tell? It’s a snowy clearing with stones.” I zoomed in on the walkway. “Are these special rocks?”

She rolled her eyes. “Do I look like a rock specialist? I was kidding. But I’ll go there, wherever it is, and check it out.”

It clicked. My father hadn’t sent an address or even GPS coordinates because he knew about my dimensional magic. Like Missy, I could travel to a location based on a picture. In theory.

“I think I’m supposed to make a portal,” I said.

“You’ve considered this message might not be from papa dearest, right?” She narrowed her eyes. “This is probably a trap.”

I threw back the covers and started pulling on more layers.

“Gaia, Winter, just wait. Stay put, I’ll check it out first,” Missy snapped before disappearing.

I’d finished tying my boots when she returned.

“The walkway leads up to a private hospital,” she said, sounding a little disappointed now that our search might be over.

“Is he there?” I asked, flexing my fingers and preparing to call my magic.

“I’m not sure, but Tina’s SUV is in the parking lot.”

That was all the confirmation I needed. It took me three tries to open the portal from the bedroom. Once through, I stood in the icy evening air and stared at the structure perched atop the hill above me. With all the lights and the smoke coming from the chimneys, the building was like a great hulking beast in the darkness. I might’ve mistaken it for a ski lodge, except for the small sign at the bottom of the stairs: The Infinity Institute of Medical Research.

“It’s a private facility specializing in groundbreaking advancements in supernatural arts, including magical dialysis, memory transplantation and retrieval, along with cures for everything from depletion to vampirism.” It sounded like she was regurgitating the hospital’s mission statement, and I studied the strained corners of her mouth. “I read it on a plaque in the lobby,” she explained.

I stood there for several more minutes before working up the nerve to climb the stairs and walk inside. Why was I so nervous? I knew what I would find. Archer. Hooked up to machines that kept his heart beating while he slumbered. He’d always seemed so full of life, especially for someone not quite alive.

“They might not let you in,” Missy said.

“Why would you put that idea in my head?”

She shrugged. “Because you kinda want an excuse to go home.”

I marched inside and gave my name to a tall, slender man behind the front desk. He didn’t ask if Archer and I were family or check a list of approved visitors. He simply nodded and said, “Please follow me, Miss Sable.”

Has he been expecting me?