The blood drained from my face. “What did I do?”
“That was a tidal wave of magic you let loose.” He nodded approvingly and patted his chest, then he held up the textbook. “I don’t know why the spell didn’t work.”
My shoulders slumped. “Canterwald is definitely going to quiz me—”
Three chimes boomed through the room. I glanced at Laz, but he seemed confused as well. Then Chancellor Keene’s voice came on through a magical loudspeaker system.
“All students are to report to their rooms immediately. Faculty and staff, this is a Code Troy. I repeat, this is a Code Troy.”
“What’s going on?” I demanded. “What the hell is a ‘Code Troy?’”
Laz shoved the textbook in his backpack and slung the bag over one shoulder. “No idea. Dad started rotating code names weekly after someone figured out what all the old ones mean.” He slid his hand into mine. “Come on. Let’s get back to the dorms.”
The students crowded the hallways with curious whispers. Everyone spoke in hushed murmurs, making wild guesses about the reason behind the sudden lockdown. One girl theorized we were under attack, while another wondered if a second student had died.
Gaia, I hoped not. I couldn’t cope with the guilt if that were the case.
Laz walked me to my room. He turned the knob and peeked inside before pushing it open.
“Am I just supposed to stay here until we get the all-clear?” I asked.
Laz followed me inside and closed the door behind him. The look in his eye made my heart skip a beat. His hands lifted to my shoulders, slowly sliding down my arms.
“Is this really the appropriate time?” I asked, though I didn’t back away from his touch.
He swept my hair over my right shoulder and brought his soft lips to the bare side of my neck. I closed my eyes and tilted my head to give him better access.
“Tina’s going to be here any minute,” I breathed, a voice inside my mind screaming at me not to indulge in this make-out session.
Laz continued to place light kisses down my collarbone. “We have time,” he mumbled against my skin.
His hands moved to my hips, resting on the waistband of my jeans.
“How do you know that?” I asked in the same breathy tone as before.
“Because she’s in our dad’s office demanding to know what’s going on.” He grinned and tapped the side of his head. “Twin vision runs strong when Tina’s emotions are out of control, and she is livid he won’t share anything.”
Our lips met in a soft kiss. Laz’s hands still rested on my hips. He guided me toward my bed, and we fell onto the mattress.
Admittedly, Laz was a curiosity for me. I’d never been with a fae, and that was part of the attraction. Plus, he was hot as hell, so that helped too.
His touch on my skin set me aflame. I wanted him, and I felt how much he desired me when he rolled between my legs.
Someone knocked on the door. I stilled, but Laz kept sliding his fingers over my stomach.
“Ignore them.” He pressed a kiss to the side of my neck.
The person tapped again.
“That’s not an option.”
Laz stuck out his lip but flipped onto his back so I could get up. I brushed my mouth across his and straightened my clothes.
The visitor banged a third time before I reached the door.
“Yes?” I asked as I flung it open.
A redhead with cute glasses wrinkled her nose and held up a handwritten note. I assumed it was from Professor Canterwald. It wasn’t.