“You can be mad at me all you want, I understand that. But don't take it out on Arcane Landing or the university. We are staying here. Hating me and this town will only make you more miserable.”
My anger soured, tasting like shame in my mouth. She was right, and I hated when that happened. “Yeah. Got it.”
“I'm serious, Winter.”
A knock on my window cut off whatever else she might have said. I turned to find a pretty brunette with rosy cheeks and glossy lips smiling at me through the glass. She waved a gloved hand.
“Winter Sable?” she asked, her voice muffled behind the glass.
Mom released the child safety locks, and I opened the door to greet my new friend.
“Um, yeah. Hi. I'm Winter.”
The girl held out her hand. “Morgan Riley. I'm your student guide.” She looked past me at Mom. “Hi, Ms. Sable. I think you know my mother, Juanita Riley. Back in school she was Juanita Krump.”
“Yes, of course. I remember Juanita,” Mom said tightly. “Please tell her hello from me.”
Without looking back, I knew her smile was fake. Whoever this Juanita person was, Mom was not a fan. Honestly, I wasn't sure whether that made it more or less likely that Morgan and I would hit it off.
“Have a good day, Winter, darling,” Mom continued. “I'll call you tonight.”
“Can you pop the trunk?” I asked. “I need to get my bags.”
Mom averted her gaze. “I'll drop them off for you. I want a word with John, anyway.”
Though I almost asked who John was, I decided I didn't care.
Along with a new parka, Nana had bought me a matching knit set with gloves, a hat, and a scarf. They were a colorful pattern that was slightly juvenile but not offensive. Until I took in Morgan's sophisticated red leather driving gloves and tailored peacoat.
“You moved from California, right?” Morgan asked as we walked.
She wrinkled her sharp nose. “So the snow must be pretty wild for you.”
“A little,” I admitted.
“It's okay, it's not typical for us, either. I mean, Arcane Landing gets a ton of snow in the winter months, but an entire foot of it in September is new.”
Morgan was trying. She seemed nice enough, so I met her halfway.
“Yeah, this will take some time to get used to. Though the past few years have been chillier. It snowed a bunch last winter. Not like this, obviously.” I made a gesture meant to encompass the winter wonderland at large. “More of a light dusting, I guess. Still, it was the first time I couldn't surf in December.”
“Oh, do you surf?” Morgan asked, her eyes lighting up.
A group of students huddled together in front of the main entranceway, blocking the tall navy doors. One, a short boy with a very round face, waved a mitten-clad hand enthusiastically. “Hey, Morgan!” he called in a deep voice.
“Hey, Chance.” Turning to me, Morgan explained, “That's my twin brother.”
“Who's your friend?” asked a girl in lace-up suede boots and patterned tights.
My hackles went up. It wasn't her tone that bristled me, though, it was the way she studied me with too much interest.
“This is Winter, and you'll all get your chance to interrogate her at some point, I'm sure. For now, Chancellor Keene is expecting us.” Morgan threaded her arm through mine so our elbows linked. “Don't want to keep him waiting.”
I shot her a grateful smile. It seemed Morgan and I were off to a good start.
The group of students parted to let us pass, at least a dozen eyes watching with unbridled curiosity. As Morgan and I were about to cross over the threshold into the warmth and safety of the school, my foot slipped on a patch of black ice. If not for Morgan's tight grip on my arm, I would've landed smack on my back. Most likely with my skirt flipped up to expose the top of the wool tights covering my naughty bits.