“Do I make you that uncomfortable, Eva?”
I heard him the first time.
My intestines twisted, and my heart spun in my chest at his question. I was too shocked to answer that instant, and I didn’t think merely saying no would do it justice.
How could he ever think that he would make me uncomfortable even in the slightest? On his annoying days, which are his default, I still feel protected and at ease with him. The only other person I feel that way around is my father.
I sigh, my camera in one hand, while Paul clings to my other arm like a life support. It is unnerving, but I bargained for this. Nonetheless, the longer I continue this charade, the more reasons I find to regret ever starting it.
It was to make Fabio jealous. To make him feel like he is losing me and make him act. It is not to push him farther away from me or make him feel like I don’t want him. I want him to see that I want him, but also to see that he can lose me. I don’t want to be the girl groveling for a man’s attention.
“Do I make you that uncomfortable?”
I was going to tell him there is no world where I would feel uncomfortable with him. I wanted to tell him how much peace he brings me. I was about to express myself plainly and most probably ruin this entire shenanigan with Paul.
I should end it now. I am here with Paul, but my mind is with Fabio. I cannot shake off the little things like his scent, his aura, the kiss I gave him in the study, the gruff sound of his voice, the confidence in each stride of his, his very existence.
I glance at Paul and squeeze a small smile as he winks at me.
It’s beginning to feel like a waste of time. I raise my camera and bring up the viewfinder. Covering the screen is the last photo I took of Fabio when he wasn't looking. I look at the man who possesses my heart, and it stings that he is unaware of this simple truth.
Lying complicates things, my father always tells me. I am beginning to understand what he means. The longer I keep up with this lie, the more complicated it’s starting to feel.
I tap on the screen and another picture of Fabio pops up. This one, he has a hand in the pocket of the pants of his charcoal suit, the button of his jacket undone to reveal a peek of his holster that matches the color of his outfit. Black hair tussles on his head, a frown lining the side of his face as he stares at… was he staring at me?
I squint and then tap for the next picture. He has his suit off now and thrown over his arm, the sleeves of his black shirt folded a little above his wrists, and the twirl of tattoos sneaking out. There is nothing I love to capture like Fabio. He was my first picture ever. He may well have been the reason I started to want to capture things and keep them safe.
I have a file on my laptop with pictures of him, a file that no one will ever see. He is my best-kept secret, my muse.
“What are you smiling at?” Paul pokes his head, but I drop the camera, concealing the viewfinder.
“Nothing,” I puff. “I was checking our pictures so far,” I lie. “I think we might have taken enough for the project.” We have, and I didn’t exactly need to come out here. I could have done it outside our estate or somewhere else, but that would have ruined this epic move to get Fabio jealous.
“I know,” he leads me into a narrow street. “I want to spend some time with you,” he smiles, both hands coming to crowd me and back me up against a wall.
“What are you doing?” I go under, slipping out of his cage.
“Pushing my luck,” he falls beside me.
I look over my shoulder to see Fabio’s reaction, but… he is not behind us. I halt, my gut twisting.
“We have to go back,” I turn. “Fabio will be worried,” I am already leaving, but Paul pulls me by the arm.
“Relax, people dating do this sort of thing, sneaking away to make out,” he shrugs.
He has a point, but I am not letting him know it this time. The charade is already too heavy for my brain. I am lying to the most important men in my life. My father and Fabio. What would my father say if he saw me like this? He would be disappointed. I should tell him the truth.
“I think we should go back,” I twist my arms to break free from his hold, and he allows it. He seems to be letting me do whatever I want, but I find myself feeling uncomfortable nonetheless.
“Eva,” Fabio barks, and I breathe out. I want to run to him and bury my face in his chest, but I settle for breathing in and out. He takes long strides toward us, closing the distance too quickly.
“Fabio,” I swallow, “I was looking for you,” I breathe. “I hadn’t noticed we were out of sight until?—”