Page 125 of Thankless in Death

An hour into it, she got up for more coffee. As she lifted the mug, she glanced toward her skinny window.

It was pouring outside.

“All right!” She pumped a fist in the air. “Let’s go rain!”

She executed a quick, happy boogie, did a spin, and spotted Roarke in her doorway.

“I had no idea you were so fond of inclement weather.”

“Rain, think about it. Big, pounding rain. No outside ceremony. They’ll have to move it inside.”

“And that matters?”

“To me. It’s”—she wiggled her shoulders, winced—“weird doing it out there, in front of the whole damn city. Inside it’s cops, and some politicians.”

“And media.”

“Yeah, you can’t get around that, but it’s more, I don’t know, contained. Are you here to work with Feeney?”

“I have been, a bit. There’s something...”

She leaped like a panther. “What? What something?”

“I don’t have it yet. We don’t,” he corrected. “But there’s something in the data we’ve been able to regenerate on one of the wiped drives. I think your Ms. Farnsworth wound some sort of code within the codes. I think she tried to leave us some clues, as best she could. If the drive hadn’t been wiped, we’d have an easier time deciphering, but we’re still working piecemeal.”

“But it’s something.”

“It is, yes. Definitely something. We’ll get back to it.”

“Get back?”

“Despite the heroic rain, you’ve just about got time to change before we’re due—wherever we’re due to be.”

“Shit.” She checked her wrist unit. “Shit.”

“As you’re not currently slapping Reinhold in restraints, we’re stuck with this. So be a good girl, and get into that oddly alluring uniform.”

“Shit,” she said again. “Give me—”

She snagged her signaling ’link. “Dallas.”

“Lieutenant.” Kyung, media liaison, gave her his excellent smile. “I wanted to inform you, due to the unfortunate weather, we’re moving the medal ceremony indoors to Auditorium A, West Wing, Sector Six, Level Two.”

“Okay. Roarke’s with me now. I’ll pass it on.”

“Excellent. I’ll see you shortly, Lieutenant, and many congratulations.”

“Yeah, thanks.” She clicked off. “Give me fifteen,” she said to Roarke, “and meet me at the down glide.”

“That’s about all you have.” He made himself comfortable at her desk with his PPC as she dashed out.

She cut through the bullpen, shook her head at Peabody, and bolted straight into the locker room.

Changed, she fit her uniform hat on her head, gave herself a critical study. Okay, squared away. And when this was done, she’d change back, and get the hell to work again.

Deliberately avoiding the bullpen, and any possible questions, comments, ragging, she left by the side door.

She beat Roarke to the glide by about thirty seconds. And watched him walk toward her, the glint in his eye.