In fact, most of the people she'd seen so far had features so striking and perfect that they seemed almost unreal like they had stepped straight out of a movie screen or a magazine cover.

Her eyes roved over the flawless skin, the chiseled jawlines, and the luminous eyes. It was like being surrounded by a sea of supermodels, each one more gorgeous than the last, and for the first time in her life, Jasmine felt inadequate.

Who were these people, and why were they all so damn perfect?

Suddenly, a thought struck her. What if Perfect Match wasn't really a virtual experience? What if the avatars that users interacted with in the so-called virtual experience weren't computer-generated at all, but real people, flesh and blood actors hired to bring the customer's fantasies to life?

The virtual experience promised to be indistinguishable from real life, and it wasn't because of the revolutionary technology but because it was a huge scheme. The clients were probably drugged and put in studios where their fantasies were enacted with a host of attractive actors.

It seemed implausible because the cost of producing the fantasies would be prohibitive, but perhaps the math worked somehow. With prices per person starting at thirty-five hundred dollars for a three-hour session and seven thousand for a couple, it could be possible to pull it off even if they had to pay actors to pretend to be the avatars for three hours.

Did she want in?

Could she act out someone else's fantasies?

Nah, that was too freaky even for her.

It would certainly explain the need for such strict nondisclosure agreements and the air of secrecy surrounding the entire operation. If word got out that Perfect Match was essentially pimping out its employees, the scandal would be explosive and the fallout immeasurable.

Jasmine shook her head. It was a crazy idea, a conspiracy theory that belonged in the pages of a tabloid magazine, not in the real world. And yet, as she looked around at the impossibly beautiful people that surrounded her, she couldn't help but wonder.

On the dance floor, Edgar pulled her closer, his hand resting on the small of her back as they swayed to the music. "Is everything alright? You seem distracted."

Jasmine forced a smile, trying to push down the unease churning in her gut. "I'm fine. It's just strange how everyone here is so incredibly beautiful that they look like animated mannequins."

Edgar nodded, his gaze sweeping over the crowd with a knowing smile. "A lot can be done with makeup and clothing. Even plain-looking people can be made to look exceptional."

She arched a brow. "Makeup and clothing can go a long way, but they cannot perform miracles. This place looks like a supermodel convention."

He laughed. "You're right, they are all incredibly good-looking. Perfect Match only hires the best of the best, the most talented and attractive people they can find. It's part of what makes the experience so immersive, so believable."

Was Edgar admitting that they were using real people in their so-called virtual adventures?

Jasmine hesitated, biting her lip as she tried to find the right words. "Don't you think it's a little strange?" she asked, her voice dropping to a whisper. "It's like they're all playing a role in some kind of elaborate fantasy."

Edgar's brow furrowed, a flicker of confusion passing over his face. "I'm not sure I follow. What do you mean by playing a role?"

He seemed genuinely perplexed, so perhaps she was wrong, and there was some other explanation for why they were all beautiful and seemed to be of the same age group.

Come to think of it, she should have been suspicious when Amanda and Syssi had come to visit her, and then Kian. Heck, even Edna and Max. The last two were not as gorgeous as Amanda and her brother, but they were still very good-looking, and they all seemed to be about the same age.

Jasmine sighed. "Ignore what I said. I'm being silly. I guess I'm just overwhelmed by all the grandeur. I feel like I've stepped into another world where everything is just too perfect to be real."

Edgar smiled, his hand tightening around hers. "We are in the business of fulfilling fantasies. Only the most beautiful, most talented people make the cut. It's like a club within a club, an exclusive inner circle that only a lucky few get to be a part of. It's a very rigorous screening process."

Jasmine frowned as she tried to reconcile what Edgar was saying with the wild theory that had taken root in her mind. It made sense, in a way. Perfect Match was a luxury service, catering to the wealthiest and most discerning clients. Of course they would want to hire only the best and the brightest, the most stunning and charismatic people they could find.

"I also noticed there aren't any children around," she said, giving voice to the other thing that bothered her about the crowd. "Is this an adults-only cruise? I mean, besides the obvious reasons for privacy and discretion."

Edgar chuckled, shaking his head. "There are children on board," he said. "Just not many, and during the nightly festivities, they mostly stay in the cabins with their babysitters. These parties start and end too late for children to be present."

Jasmine nodded, feeling a little foolish. "Oh, that's right. I remember now that I saw Amanda's little girl with her, and she showed me a picture of Kian's daughter when I first met him."

Of course, there were children on board. Not everyone who worked for Perfect Match would be single or childless. Some of them probably had families, spouses, and kids waiting for them back home. And it made perfect sense that the ones who were on board would not be present for a late-night event.

She had let her imagination run wild with crazy theories and baseless suspicions instead of focusing on what she could gain from being here. This was the opportunity of a lifetime, a chance to be a part of something truly extraordinary, and she needed to get her head in the game and mingle like there was no tomorrow.