Keeping her senses heightened so she wouldn't miss even the most minute of details and commit everything to memory, she was acutely aware of the gentle sway of her gown, the soft rhythm of her steps, and the radiant smiles on her bridesmaids' faces.

She was about to wed Yamanu, her fated mate, the male who had captured her heart and soul with his big smiles, his enormous capacity for love, and his boundless kindness.

Just like his unparalleled thralling and shrouding ability, her mate did everything on a grand scale, and that included his love for her.

And yet, even as happiness swelled within her, Mey couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret that her and Jin's adoptive parents couldn't be there to witness this momentous occasion. They had been the best parents any girl could hope for, raising her and Jin to be resourceful, independent, powerful women and doing so with gentle words, lots of hugs and kisses, and endless love and patience.

They were the best people she knew, and given that she was surrounded by a clan of wonderful people, that was saying something. It was so unfair that they couldn't be here now to share in the joy and celebrate their adopted daughters' weddings.

Mey silently vowed to make it up to them with proper human ceremonies. Jin wanted that as well, and Yamanu and Arwel would do whatever it took to make their mates happy, including traveling across the globe and attending a traditional wedding.

But even as she made that promise, Mey couldn't help but wonder, for what felt like the thousandth time, about her and Jin's birth parents. Who were they? What had happened to them? Were they still out there somewhere, thinking of the daughters they had lost or given away?

The mystery had haunted Mey for as long as she could remember, lingering in the back of her mind like a persistent itch that she needed to scratch and didn't know how. Even though she was the older sister, she had no memories of her birth family and no clues as to their fate. The only things she knew about her biological parents came from her and Jin's genetic makeup. Their mother must have been a Dormant, and their father a hybrid Kra-ell.

Returning her focus to Yamanu, Mey felt all those thoughts evaporate like mist beneath the sun, or rather her mate's broad grin, which was warmer than sunshine and overflowing with love and joy because tonight they were being officially joined with nearly the entire clan witnessing the ceremony.

Yamanu would never admit it, but he loved the attention. He was a showman who hadn't gotten to perform much during his long centuries of celibacy when he had been forced to drink a muting potion and meditate daily to maintain his vow and continue honing his incredible powers.

The potion had muted more than his libido, though, and he had often kept to himself. But those days were over now that he had broken the vow with the Clan Mother's blessing.

Shifting her gaze to the petite goddess, Mey dipped her head in silent thanks. She would be forever grateful to Annani for being willing to lose one of the clan's most valuable assets and releasing Yamanu from his vow so he could be happy.

Nothing was more sacred to the goddess than the connection forged by destiny itself. Annani believed that to stand in the way of such a bond was to court the wrath of the Fates.

Thankfully, mating Mey had not diminished Yamanu's incredible ability to manipulate the minds and perceptions of others. His power remained unparalleled, and the clan hadn't lost the protection that had saved countless lives and turned the tide of battles time and again over the centuries.

Taking her place beside Yamanu at the altar, Mey slipped her hand into his, and as a sense of rightness settled over her, she gave his hand a light squeeze.

The Clan Mother smiled at them both, her eyes shining with love and joy, and then shifted her gaze to the gathered crowd. "My dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two beautiful souls. Yamanu and Mey's love story is so exciting and unconventional that it could be made into a movie." She chuckled. "I think it is the first time that international espionage was used by the Fates to weave the common thread in the destiny of two people who were meant for each other."

Mey smiled at Yamanu through the haze of happy tears. The Clan Mother had a way of turning the mundane into spectacular, and giving significance and meaning to events that were at the time far from glamorous.

"Yamanu." The goddess turned her gaze to him. "You have been a true hero to our people, a Guardian and protector who has always put the needs of others before your own. You have saved countless lives and turned the tide of battles, and for that you have our gratitude."

Yamanu bowed his head. "It's my duty, Clan Mother, and I'm honored and grateful to the Fates for giving me the tools to protect my people."

Mey couldn't be prouder of Yamanu. He had never been one to seek glory or acclaim, never been driven by ego or ambition. Everything he did, every sacrifice he made, was for the greater good, for the safety and well-being of his clan.

"You have acted above and beyond the call of duty, Yamanu," the goddess said. "But your greatest act of heroism was your willingness to give up your immense powers for love." The Clan Mother smiled at him fondly. "When the Fates brought you and Mey together, you were prepared to risk everything to be with your truelove mate."

Mey squeezed Yamanu's hand, her heart overflowing. She knew how much his powers meant to him. To be willing to give that up, to put their love above all else, was a sacrifice beyond measure.

"And Mey," Annani said, turning her warm gaze to her. "You are such a wonderful addition to our clan, and not just because you make Yamanu happy, or because you possess a talent none of us has. You exemplify strength, courage, and unshakable loyalty, you also embody grace, elegance, and entrepreneurial spirit. You and your sister make me, your mates, your clan, and your adoptive parents proud."

Mey felt a lump form in her throat, and tears threatened to spill down her cheeks. Hearing the goddess's words, she felt the love and acceptance of her clan enveloping her in a warm embrace.

"Yamanu and Mey," the Clan Mother continued. "Your love is a testament to the unbreakable bond between fated mates. You have faced countless challenges and obstacles on your path to this moment, but through it all, your love has only grown stronger.

"And so," the goddess said, "it is my great honor and privilege to bless this union, to stand as witness to the joining of two hearts, two souls, two lives. Yamanu and Mey, you have proven yourselves worthy of the great gift of fated love, and it is my deepest wish that your bond will only continue to grow and flourish in the years to come."

Mey felt Yamanu's hand tighten around hers.

The Clan Mother smiled at them. "And now, it is time for you to exchange your vows. Yamanu, Mey, please turn to face each other and join hands."

Mey turned to face her mate, her heart racing with anticipation. This was the moment they would pledge their lives and their love to each other in front of their entire community.