Syssi's visions were often vague, and it wasn't the first time she hadn't been sure what she'd been shown or why.

Tucking one leg under her, Amanda shifted so she was facing Syssi. "Just tell me, even if it's nothing more than a stream of consciousness. We can reconstruct it together."

"I might have seen a Kra-ell pod, and Jasmine was there with the three gods. I don't know how she's connected to their mission or why she was there with the gods while their mates were not. She was standing over a crater, looking down, and pointing. I think the vision's purpose was to show me that she needs to go with them to Tibet."

The dots were connecting in Amanda's mind. "I think so, too."

On the face of things, Jasmine's obsession with the prince that her tarot were showing her had seemed like a silly fantasy, a whimsical notion born of reading too many fairy-tale romances and not enough real-world experience. But Amanda had already suspected that there was more to it even before Syssi's vision.

"It was?" Syssi turned to her. "Because it doesn't make any sense to me, and don't start with your silly theory about her tarot prince."

"It's not silly." Amanda tapped a finger over her lower lip. "Jasmine keeps seeing a prince in her tarot readings and other divinations, and it's such a recurring motif that she follows the hunch and accepts Alberto's invitation to take her out of the country even though she doesn't know him well enough to trust him. Jasmine is not stupid, and she's not reckless. She felt compelled to do so, and in a roundabout way, it was the right step for her to take to get closer to finding the prince because it got her on this ship, where she met the three males that could potentially lead her to him. She might be the key to locating the Kra-ell pods, and if her drive to find her prince is for real, it means that the twins are still alive."

"That's crazy." Syssi frowned.

"Not really." Amanda waved a hand. "Think about how improbable it was for Orion and Toven to find their way to our clan, or Geraldine for that matter. When the Fates are behind the steering wheel, anything can happen."

"True," Syssi conceded. "So what do we do with this dubious information?"

"We need to talk to Jasmine and get her to join Aru's team. It's obvious that her help is needed to find at least the one pod you saw in your vision."

Syssi shook her head. "Kian will never agree unless she is a Dormant. Jasmine's help being essential to finding the royal twins is too long of a shot."

"And he might have a point." Amanda slumped against the couch cushions. "We need to think about it a little more. Should we even assist Aru and his team in finding the twins? They might be so dangerous that it would be better to leave them where they are."

Syssi cast her an incredulous look. "Can you really do that in good conscience? Leave them buried alive when we can do something to help find and save them?"

"To protect my clan and Fates know how many humans, yes, I can. I don't like it, but sometimes the only option is to choose the lesser evil."

Syssi shook her head. "I'm glad that I'm not a leader and don't have to make those kinds of choices. I don't think I'm capable of that."

"You are still very young, Syssi." Amanda patted her arm. "That being said, I'm also thankful for being able to leave the decision to Kian."

Syssi smiled ruefully. "We are such big chickens."

"We are." Amanda shifted on the couch. "It's too early to tell whether Edgar and Jasmine are meant for each other, but he can't start inducing her without her consent, so she needs to be told about us anyway, and if we tell her that, we might as well tell her about the vision, provided that Kian agrees, of course."

Syssi grimaced. "Telling Jasmine that her Prince Charming is waiting in a pod will not go down well with Edgar, and he will probably decide to drop his pursuit of her. And if she's adamant about finding her prince, introducing her to other immortal males wouldn't be fair to them either. The two objectives are mutually exclusive."

"Not necessarily." Amanda tapped a finger on her lower lip. "Jasmine is more like me than she is like you, and she has no compunctions about having fun with other males while awaiting her prince. As long as she is honest with Edgar or other males who will volunteer their services, no one will get hurt."

"Perhaps we should talk to Edgar and Jasmine but not together," Syssi suggested. "Check how they feel about each other. What if they are in love?"

"It's too early in their relationship to know one way or another," Amanda said. "Even for fated mates, it takes more than one hookup to know."

"Really?" Syssi arched a brow. "When I first saw Kian, it was like getting hit by lightning. I knew he was my destiny. Maybe not in my mind, but in my heart."

Amanda smiled. "I know. I was there when it happened, remember?"

"How can I ever forget?" Syssi slanted her a look. "You were the one who made it happen."

"True." Amanda grinned. "Kian was such a stubborn old goat. He refused to meet you, but then the Fates forced his hand, or rather I did, and when he came to berate me at my lab, he saw you, and it was game over for him."

Syssi nodded. "Yup. He got zapped at the same moment I did. What about you and Dalhu? Did you know right away?"

Amanda scrunched her nose. "Dalhu terrified me the first time I saw him, but I felt the pull right away, which was quite telling given that he was my enemy and he was kidnapping me."

It had been confusing and exhilarating at the same time, and as much as she had fought against it at first, as much as she had tried to deny the truth of what she felt, she'd eventually come to accept that Dalhu was her one true mate.