Frankie had said that Ed had taken Jasmine on a tour of the ship, but the only public spaces were the dining room, the gym, and the bars on the promenade deck and the Lido deck.
Amanda cast a sidelong glance at her mate. "Do you want to grab something to eat before we go up there?"
They had eaten brunch at her mother's, but that had been an hour ago. She wasn't hungry, but Dalhu might be.
"I'm full." Dalhu adjusted Evie in his arms. "Let's go."
They only got as far as the elevator. As soon as the doors opened, Jasmine and Edgar stepped out along with several other passengers.
"Amanda!" Jasmine spread her arms and hugged her as if they were the best of friends. "Thank you. You freed me."
"You're welcome." Amanda patted her back. "Are you heading to the dining room?"
"Yes." Jasmine beamed happily. "I'm curious whether the food up here is better than the food down in the staff dining room."
"Why would it be? It's cooked in the same kitchen."
Jasmine looked surprised. "Really? I thought there was another kitchen down there adjacent to the dining room."
"There is, but most of the cooking is done in the main one." Amanda turned to her mate. "Dalhu, this is my new friend Jasmine. Jasmine, this is my husband Dalhu and our daughter Evie."
"A pleasure to meet you both." Jasmine gave Dalhu one of her flirty smiles, but by now Amanda knew that didn't mean she was actually flirting with him. It was just the way she was, and she probably couldn't help it.
Evie regarded the woman with shy curiosity and after a moment gifted her with a small smile before ducking her head and hiding her face in the crook of Dalhu's neck.
"She is adorable," Jasmine said. "And she looks like a mix of the two of you. More like you, Amanda."
Dalhu kissed the top of Evie's head. "Thank the merciful Fates for that."
"Have you eaten already?" Edgar asked.
"We did, but we will come to keep you company." Amanda threaded her arm through Jasmine's. "I want to ask you a few questions about your Wiccan practice if that's okay."
"Of course." Jasmine leaned into her. "What would you like to know?"
Amanda slanted her a smile. "I'm fascinated by the occult, and I'm an amateur practitioner, but I never had the time to study the rituals and spells. I'm also interested in the deities you honor and your guiding beliefs."
More than that, Amanda wanted to understand the woman herself and get a sense of the person behind the tarot cards and the talk of princes. She had a feeling that there was more to Jasmine than met the eye.
The woman's face lit up, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "After acting, that's my second favorite topic, but I only talk about it with people who have at least some knowledge about it and don't think it's devil worship." She grimaced. "Like my father."
Amanda had a feeling that there was a story there, but it was better reserved for another time.
They found a table, and once Dalhu had set Evie down in a highchair, he and Edgar went to the buffet to collect a sampling of the dishes.
"I've already eaten," Amanda said. "So I'm not hungry, but if you want to go get something, I'll wait."
"It's fine." Jasmine waved a dismissive hand. "I trust Edgar to get me things I like."
Amanda arched a brow. "When did he have the time to learn your culinary preferences?"
Jasmine chuckled. "He didn't, but I'm not very choosy with food. I can eat anything."
That was unusual for someone who was pursuing a career in acting, but Jasmine seemed to be unconcerned with Hollywood's unrealistic beauty ideals and was comfortable in her own skin.
Amanda put a hand on the woman's upper arm. "The more I get to know you, the more I like you."
Jasmine grinned. "Ditto."