Everyone had their own timelines for things.

"You weren't kidding about this place being swanky." She turned in a circle, taking in the professionally decorated living room portion of the cabin with its floor-to-ceiling sliding doors that overlooked a spacious balcony and the ocean beyond.

"Mine is just as nice," Edgar said from behind her.

Crap, she'd forgotten that he was there. Plastering a smile on her face, Jasmine turned toward him. "You remember Edgar, Margo, right?"

Margo offered him her hand. "Of course. How could I forget the pilot who brought me Negal?"

"It was my pleasure." Edgar shook what he was offered.

Margo pulled him into a quick one-armed embrace. "I'm glad that you two found each other." She let go of Ed and regarded him with curious eyes. "How have you been?"

"I've been good, but I'm even better now that I was allowed to venture down to the staff quarters and reunite with Jasmine." He took her hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss. "As you know, males are banned from the lower decks because of the rescued women, but Amanda convinced Kian to let me visit."

"I'm glad." Margo sat down, looking exhausted just from standing for a few minutes.

Joining her friend on the couch, Jasmine regarded her with a frown. "What's going on with you? You look like a ghost."

Margo grimaced. "It's nothing. Probably a bug I caught while on shore, or maybe the whole kidnapping ordeal is finally catching up to me. How about you? Are you okay?"

Margo was so sweet, always worrying about others.

"Honestly? The whole thing feels surreal. I keep waiting to wake up. First, it was Alberto turning out to be a scumbag, but that wasn't such a big surprise. I was starting to suspect something was off about him long before I met you, but I had no idea how bad it was going to get. Then I got kidnapped, dragging you along into the abyss, and then Edgar flew a team to our rescue." She smiled at Ed. "But ending up on this ship almost makes it all worth it."

"Really?" Margo arched a brow. "Even though you were restricted to the staff decks?"

"It wasn't all bad." Jasmine crossed her legs. "I made new friends, met interesting people, and I even got tested by a neuroscientist and a probe lady." Jasmine chuckled. "The wonders never cease." She waved her hand over the cabin. "And now this. I plan to explore the upper decks and all the luxuries they have to offer."

Frankie perched on the arm of the chair Dagor sat in. "You will need to hurry up with your explorations. The cruise is almost over, so you don't have much time left." She sighed. "I'm going to miss this ship with all its comforts, especially the dining room. I love having all my meals prepared for me."

When Negal finally emerged from the bedroom, Jasmine was reminded how incredibly handsome he was. Edgar was a good-looking guy, but next to Negal, he looked almost plain.

"Hello, Jasmine." Negal smiled at her. "I'm glad that you are finally free to visit. How are you feeling?"

"Great. I was just telling everyone how it all feels surreal."

"I bet." He turned to Edgar, who squeezed in next to Jasmine and sat down on her other side, and arched a brow. "Hello to you too, Ed."

"I'm here with Jasmine." Ed clasped her hand. "We are together."

"I see that." Something unreadable flickered through Negal's eyes. "I wish you the best of luck. Can I offer you a drink? Tea or coffee?"

"What do you have?" Ed let go of Jasmine's hand and rose to his feet.

"Let me show you," Negal said.

As the guys were joined by Dagor at the kitchen counter, Jasmine leaned toward Margo. "Things look serious between the two of you."

"They are," Margo whispered conspiratorially. "Negal is amazing."

Frankie snorted. "He's like a mother hen, fussing over Margo and not letting her move an inch. I'm glad my Dagor is not such a fusser."

Margo snorted. "Right, says the girl whose boyfriend was so anxious to see her that he couldn't wait for the boat to get to the ship, jumped into the water, and swam the rest of the way."

As Frankie's lips quirked in a half smile, Jasmine leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest. "Now, that's a story I want to hear all the details of. What was Dagor doing in a boat, and why was he so anxious about you?"

Frankie slid into the armchair that Dagor had vacated. "I got shot."