Annani smiled. "It is big, but no one is in any immediate danger."

"Thank the merciful Fates." Amanda let out a breath. "By the way, how is Margo doing?" She looked at Kian. "Is she really transitioning?"

"I don't know," he admitted. "I haven't checked on her this morning."

"Perhaps you should call her before the others get here," Amanda suggested. "She'll be so happy to hear about Jasmine being allowed on the upper decks."

Kian turned to their mother. "Is it okay with you if I call Margo now?"

"Of course. I am also curious about her transition."

Kian pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts until he found Margo's. He could have used a voice command like all the young gods were doing, but he liked doing things the old-fashioned way.

Margo answered on the second ring, sounding breathless. "Hello, Kian. What a nice surprise. How can I help you?"

"I have some good news, and I also want to know how you are feeling. Did you experience any changes? Are there any new developments?"

"I'm feeling great. Bridget came to check on me earlier, and she said my fever and blood pressure have both gone up, which, according to her, are good signs that the transition is progressing as it should. Surprisingly, though, I don't feel weak or dizzy anymore."

Kian had a strong suspicion regarding Margo's sudden improvement. Negal had most likely given her his blood, and he just hoped that the god had exercised discretion.

"That's fantastic news, Margo. Is Bridget moving you to the clinic, or is Karen still there?"

"Bridget said that Karen is doing well enough to be released and that I can move in whenever I want, but I'm not in any rush. I told Bridget that Negal had been glued to my side, fussing over me and functioning like my own personal nurse, and she agreed that I could stay in the cabin for now. If things get worse, Negal will take me to the clinic."

"That's good." It was unusual for Bridget to agree to leave a transitioning Dormant in the care of her partner, but she must have had her reasons.

"So, what's the good news you were calling about?" Margo asked.

"I cleared Jasmine to roam around the upper decks. She can visit you, spend time on the Lido deck, and she can attend the weddings, but only after the ceremonies are concluded. I want to keep her exposure minimal, so we won't have as much to thrall away in two days."

"That's wonderful. When can she come up?"

"As soon as she wants, but she doesn't know yet. I need to send someone to inform her. Regrettably, we don't have a spare phone we can give her."

"I can ask Frankie to go down there and get her if that's okay with you."

"Of course. It will save me the trouble. But you need to remember not to say anything about your transition. You will have to tell her that you are just sick. As I said before, the less she knows, the less we will have to erase."

"Don't worry," Margo said. "I totally get it, and I won't breathe a word about anything she doesn't need to know. Thank you for letting her out of the lower decks."

"My pleasure." He ended the call.



Once Kian was done with the call and had slipped his phone back into his pocket, the sound of the door chime announced the arrival of more guests. Amanda pushed to her feet as Ojidu opened the door and greeted her sisters and their mates with hugs and kisses. When the greetings were done, everyone took their seats at the table, which was now complete save for the two empty chairs reserved for Aru and Gabi.

It was like the game 'find the Thing That Doesn't Belong.' Why were Aru and Gabi invited to a family lunch?

Usually, when the close family got together, it was for more than just the feels. News and updates were delivered in an unofficial manner, and advice was provided just as unofficially.

The reason that Aru and Gabi had been invited was probably that they had news that pertained to the family, which meant something about Anumati.

Oh, well. Amanda would have to wait and find out, along with the others, what this was all about.

When the doorbell rang again, and Ojidu opened the door for Aru and Gabi, their pinched expressions made Amanda's hackles rise.