Ed had been lusting after Jasmine from the moment he'd first laid eyes on her back on Modana's yacht.

Those lush curves and that dazzling smile…

Fates, she could make any male salivate.

Well, except for Max, who was acting like an ass, but his loss was Edgar's gain.

With her long, olive-toned limbs, ample hips, flowing dark hair, and flirtatious eyes that sparkled with mischief and intelligence, Jasmine was a knockout. And that seductive voice of hers that had wrapped around him like warm honey…

As his erection punched against the zipper of his slacks, getting lodged in an uncomfortable angle, Edgar groaned.

With a loaded plate in each hand, he couldn't adjust himself, which meant that he was going to show up at the staff lounge with tented pants.

Dear Fates, have mercy on me.

Jasmine was every male's sex dream come to life, and he'd been the lucky guy who had happened to be in the right place at the right time.

Walking out of the dining room, he headed to the bar instead of taking the elevator down to the staff decks or the stairs. Now that the party had started, no one would be there, so he could put down the plates and adjust the angle of his shaft.

When it was done, he let out a sigh of relief, hefted the plates, and headed down to the staff lounge.

The truth was that Ed didn't care whether Jasmine was a Dormant or not. He was young, and he wasn't looking for his one and only. He had centuries stretching out before him and endless opportunities to find his fated mate. All he cared about right now was seducing or being seduced and spending the night between those lush thighs.

He found her curled up on one of the plush couches with a book in her lap, and as he entered, she lifted her head and smiled.

"Edgar." She set the book aside and rose to her feet. "Are you lost? Or are you looking for me?"

"I'm not lost." He lifted the plates he was carrying higher for emphasis. "Amanda told me that you were all alone down here, and I had the brilliant idea to share dinner with you. I hope that's okay."

"It's more than okay." She reached for one of the plates. "I'm so glad to see you. I wondered why you didn't come to visit." She cast him an accusing look and walked over to the nearest table. "I thought that you forgot about me." She put the plate down.

"You are unforgettable, Jasmine. I was told to stay away from the staff area because of the rescued women who occupy several cabins down here. They are scared of men."

"Oh, yeah. I've been told to be super gentle with them. The women eat in the staff dining room, and some of the staff are men, but I guess the rule applies only to the guests. It's easier to ensure that the staff behaves than the guests, right?"

If they were human, she would be right. But that wasn't the reason.

Jasmine looked at him with anticipation, and only when he put his plate down did he figure out why.

"Damn it. I forgot to bring silverware. I need to go back and bring some, along with napkins and glasses and something to drink."

He'd been so excited about the opportunity Amanda had given him that he hadn't thought about all the details. Or, more accurately, he'd been too busy imagining Jasmine naked.

She laughed. "We have everything we need down here." She rose to her feet and sauntered over to the bar area of the lounge.

He had to force his mouth to close as he watched her ass sway enticingly from side to side, her dark locks reaching just above the start of the curve, and what a curve it was. He'd never thought of himself as an ass man, but he was now.

Jasmine collected all the missing items from behind the counter and returned to the table.

"Now we can eat."

As she put down a napkin next to his plate and put a fork and a knife on it, Edgar took a deep inhale, and her scent almost knocked him out.

Was she aroused just from being near him?

That was how it worked for males, but usually not for females. They needed much more than the sight of a handsome male to get all hot and bothered.

Perhaps she'd been entertaining naughty thoughts before he got there?