"I might not have been clear before, but the cartel thugs who are a potential threat to you and your family might come looking for you at your residence. We have a place in the city where you can stay until the danger is over."
Jasmine swallowed. "I have a job that I need to return to. It's not much, but it pays the bills, and I can't afford to lose it."
Kian leaned forward. "I was told that you work in customer service between the occasional acting jobs in commercials. How much do they pay you?"
She swallowed, looking embarrassed. "A little over minimum wage."
"Do you enjoy your job?"
"Not really."
He leaned back. "Then don't worry about it. If you lose it, I will find you something better."
Her eyes sparkled. "I would love to work at Perfect Match. Being a spokeswoman in their commercials would be a dream, but any other job would be great. I heard that employees get to be beta testers, and I would love to have access to the service without having to pay for it."
Kian smiled. "I happen to be very close to one of the owners. I can ask her on your behalf."
"Thank you." She reached for his hand. "Thank you so much."
He let her clasp it for a split second before pulling it out of her grip. "Don't thank me yet. Wait until I get you the job."
"Oh, my goddess." She fanned herself. "Perhaps I read the cards all wrong, and you are my prince."
Kian recoiled. "I am definitely not. I'm a married man."
"I didn't mean it that way." She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. "Would you at least let me explain before biting my head off?"
Kian took a steadying breath. "I'm listening."
"I sometimes consult tarot cards for fun, and lately, I've been getting the prince card a lot. I thought that it meant I was going to meet my Prince Charming, but I might have interpreted it wrong, and the prince was not meant to be my romantic interest, but someone who would help me get a leg up in life."
"I see. Yes, well, I don't know much about tarot." He looked at Amanda. "Do you?"
"I don't know how to read them, but I've been to a fortune teller once or twice for a reading."
"Really?" Kian frowned at his sister. "Why would you consult someone who pretends to see the future in cards?"
She gave him a haughty look. "The cards are just a tool, a way for the gifted to channel their power. There are many charlatans, of course, but here and there, you can find real talent." She turned to Jasmine. "Are you a Wiccan?"
"Sort of. I don't belong to any coven, and the only Wiccans I know are in my social media worship group."
"Do you worship the goddess?"
Jasmine clutched the cards in her hand. "We are not idol worshipers or anything like that. We just revere the feminine aspect of divinity."
"That's very cool." Amanda put her cards down. "I dabbled a little in Wicca too, and I would love to chat more about it. But I should get back to the party before Cassandra sends out a search party for me." She pushed to her feet.
Kian glanced at his watch. He had less than an hour to get ready. For him, it was plenty of time, but not for Amanda. Also, Edna wouldn't be able to see Jasmine today.
Jasmine put her cards down as well. "Thank you," she said to Amanda, and then turned to Kian. "It was nice meeting you, and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I really didn't mean anything by it. You are very handsome, but I would never flirt with a married man." She scrunched her nose and looked at him from under lowered lashes. "Not seriously, anyway. Sometimes I just can't help myself."
"I know the feeling." Amanda patted Jasmine's shoulder. "You remind me a lot of myself a few years back, when I was still a single lady." She laughed. "I loved to flirt, and I loved the power I had over men, but I don't miss those days. Having Dalhu and Evie is so much more fulfilling than the endless chase after new thrills." She turned to Kian. "Are you coming?"
He'd hated the hunt, but then he was much older than Amanda and had been at it for too many years to count. Syssi was a boon from the Fates, for which he thanked them daily.
"Yes, I am." He looked at Jasmine. "I might send over a lady who has a talent similar to Kevin's to examine you. She has the ability to assess a person's intentions, and if she clears you, I will allow you to come up to the upper decks."
Grinning like she had just won the lottery, Jasmine reached for his hand but then reconsidered. "Thank you. I have nothing to hide, and I will do almost anything to be allowed to mingle with the guests. I can sing if you need additional entertainment."