Kian was a married man, and he wasn't interested in her, but it was always good to leave a good impression.
Satisfied with her appearance, she headed back to the lounge.
"I'm sure the queen would have loved to see her granddaughter and her great-grandchildren," Kian was telling Amanda as Jasmine entered. "It's a shame that's not possible."
"I'm not sure about that at all," his sister said. "The royals are a stuck-up bunch who won't approve of us."
Jasmine's heartbeat accelerated. No wonder they were so secretive about the passengers. There were royals on board.
The tarot had been right after all, and her prince was on board the ship.
"Which royals are you talking about?" She tried to sound nonchalant. "Anyone I know?" She walked over to the couch and sat down at the same spot she'd occupied before.
Amanda waved a dismissive hand. "Oh, it's a small, unimportant monarchy you have probably never heard of."
"Are they on board the ship? Is that why such extreme security measures are being employed?"
The brother and sister exchanged looks, and then Amanda shook her head. "I'm sorry, but it's confidential information."
"Oh, please." Jasmine rolled her eyes. "Who am I going to tell?" She leaned closer to Amanda. "Is there a single prince looking for a bride? Tell me just that, and I won't bug you anymore." For now.
Amanda laughed. "No, there are no single royal princes on board."
Jasmine tried to conceal her disappointment with a joke. "Of course not. Why would there be a prince for me?" She sighed dramatically. "Poisonous frogs seem to be my lot. It would have been nice to get a prince for a change. I mean, not a literal royal prince. Just, you know, a prince of a man. Someone kind and brave and true. Not like that scumbag Alberto who only pretended to be that kind of man." She lifted her gaze to Amanda. "Do good men even exist?"
"Sure they do." Amanda wrapped her arm around Kian's broad shoulders. "My brother is one of the best men I know, and so is my husband and many of the other men on this cruise. I should introduce you to some of them."
Jasmine's eyes widened. "You would do that for me? That would be awesome. I need someone sweet to wash away the rotten taste left over from Alberto."
Amanda grinned. "I have just the guy for the job." She leaned closer and whispered conspiratorially, "I won't tell him that I'm setting him up. I'll just tell him to keep an eye on you, and the rest is up to you."
If the tarot were right, her prince was awaiting her, but that didn't mean she couldn't have fun with a nice guy until she found him.
"That would be wonderful. Who is he?"
"Someone I think you will like, but if he's busy, I might have to send someone else, so I don't want to use any names."
"Understandable. Thank you." Jasmine took the card deck and started shuffling. "Are you up for another game?"
Amanda glanced at her watch. "I should have returned to the party by now, but I guess I can squeeze in another short game."
The wistfulness in Jasmine's voice and the hope in her eyes tugged at Kian's conscience. She must be very lonely if she was so excited about Amanda's matchmaking, and in that moment, she looked young and innocent, a far cry from the confident, flirtatious woman who had been bantering with him and Amanda and handing them their asses at poker.
He also couldn't shake the feeling that she was important somehow and that the Fates had brought her into the clan's path for a reason.
When Jasmine had dealt the cards, Kian cleared his throat. "I'll consider your request to be allowed on the upper decks."
Amanda's head whipped toward him. "Who are you, and what have you done with my brother?"
He smiled. "I took into consideration what you said before. Besides, since Jasmine is not going home at the end of the cruise, the window of opportunity is longer than three days, especially if we put her up in the keep."
A smile spread over Amanda's face. "Good plan, brother of mine. I like it."
"I'm not going home?" Jasmine asked, looking surprised.